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Renault wants to lay off thousands of employees in order to recruit staff specialized in the production of electric vehicles

In a press release issued on Thursday, Renault announced that it is in talks with French unions to eliminate 1,600 jobs in the engineering sector and 400 auxiliary support positions, it transmits. Agerpres. –

In the same period, however, the group will recruit 2,500 employees, including specialists in data analysis and battery production.

According to the quoted source, given that the French state is the largest shareholder in Renault, the general manager Luca de Meo must be very careful with his efforts to relaunch the company.

Even if Renault intends to increase the number of employees in France who will be laid off, in parallel the carmaker plans to produce nine new models at French plants around 2025, most of which will be electric vehicles that will be assembled at a production hub in northern France.

Among the nine models are the new Megane, Renault 5 and Kangoo, as well as an SUV and another model for which it did not provide other information.

But these production plans depend on reaching an agreement with the unions. In recognition of the pressure it is under to keep jobs at home, Renault emphasized that France is “an important strategic and industrial center”.

The quoted source mentions that, despite the fact that Renault returned to profit in the first half of this year, after the historical losses registered last year, the global semiconductor supply deficit has disrupted its production in recent months and forced the closure of some plants.

Thus, Renault is behind rivals Volkswagen AG and Stellantis NV when it comes to the recovery from the pandemic because it has a greater dependence on the European market, which has recovered more slowly from the pandemic compared to China or the USA.

The Dacia company was taken over by Renault in 1999 and relaunched in 2004 with the Logan model. Subsequently, Dacia became a well-known player in the European car market.

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