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Renault-Sandouville closed. Bruno Le Maire denounces a “bad” decision

The closure of the Renault-Sandouville factory, obtained by CGT in court, is a bad decision for the site and for Renault, said Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire on Monday 11 May.

I regret the decision of the CGT in Sandouville because this closure is a bad decision for Sandouville but also for Renault while the automotive industry is in great difficulty, he said on BFM Business.

“Fragile” reasons

According to Bruno Le Maire, the reasons put forward by the CGT are extraordinarily fragile. While the factory in Sandouville ((Seine-Maritime) had resumed on April 28 thanks to a health protocol validated by the CFDT, CFE-CGC and FO, the judicial court of Le Havre, seized by the CGT, condemned last Thursday in Renault summary proceedings “to suspend the resumption of production” because this one does not allow to insure […] worker safety.

I consider that social dialogue was conducted in Sandouville, and that the conditions of health security were met to reopen the site, for its part estimated Bruno Le Maire.

There are union leaders today who are playing with fire, by not sufficiently encouraging employees to social dialogue and respect for the decisions that have been taken collectively, added the minister.

He finally ruled that this decision was bad for the French nation […] when we want to relocate industrial activities.

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