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Renault Group’s Refactory Project: Accelerating the Energy Transition and Retrofitting Gasoline/Diesel Cars into Electric Cars

The Refactory project is one of the key elements of Renault Group’s sustainable development strategy. It will operate globally and is part of a decarbonisation course that will help Renault Group become a carbon neutral company in Europe by 2040. In the two factories that have already opened – in Flaine, France and Seville, Spain – 3-4 year old used cars are restored to the condition of a new car. Such a transformation fits perfectly into Renault Group’s global transformation plan focused on value creation and sustainability. Another activity is planned within the framework of the Refactory project – the replacement of internal combustion engines with electric drives in the group’s classic cars.

Electric cars, which provide more sustainable mobility, are gradually becoming the norm, especially in cities. Replacing the entire modern internal combustion car fleet with new electric cars is neither possible nor desirable, so retrofitting is a future solution that can accelerate the energy transition and reduce carbon dioxide emissions at the same time.

In the fight against air pollution, many European countries are accelerating plans to limit the use of internal combustion vehicles so that their fleets will be 100% electric within a few years. New electric cars are not the only solution. There is also a cheaper and completely legal alternative – converting gasoline or diesel cars into 100% electric cars.

The factory in Flaine (France), which has been providing the opportunity to refresh old Renault cars for several years, now also offers the replacement of the internal combustion engine with an electric drive.

The offer currently covers three legendary models – Renault 4, Renault 5 and the first generation Twingo – but will be expanded over time.

Renault is the first car manufacturer to collaborate with retrofit kit manufacturer R-fit. The Renault 4L kit is available from February this year and costs EUR 11,900, while the Renault 5 conversion kit will be available from September 2023. The offer is currently only valid in France, where regulations allow such modifications by the manufacturer.

The option to convert an internal combustion car into an electric car applies to all gasoline and diesel cars older than 5 years. All work is carried out by certified car maintenance and repair specialists, and as part of it, ready-made kits are installed in cars.

Depending on the model, the installation takes from a few hours to a few days. The cars retain the braking system, shock absorbers and gearbox. The upgraded vehicle comes with a warranty. After the conversion, only the vehicle registration certificate needs to be changed to confirm the drivetrain change. For safety reasons, strict weight limits must be observed – it must not exceed 120% of the initial weight determined in the homologation process of the machine, as all elements such as brakes and suspension are designed for a certain load. Therefore, too heavy batteries cannot be installed in classic cars either.

The range of classic cars after modernization is limited to about 90 km. After the modifications, the entry on the type of drive will be changed in the vehicle registration certificate and the machine will have to undergo a technical inspection again. In the later stages of the car’s life, it will have to be done as regularly as before. Classic cars after the conversion will be considered new electric cars, so they will be able to apply the benefits provided for electric cars and a 2-year warranty.

As a result of the modernization, the internal combustion car is transformed into a 100% electric car, which is characterized by:

smooth running without vibrations; quiet, reliable engine that does not pollute the environment; lower operating and maintenance costs; the possibility to use parking lots and public transport lanes for free; the possibility of entering green transport zones.

The Refactory has several lines of activity:

Re-Trofit – restoration of used cars to the condition of a new car; Re-Energy – reuse of used travel batteries for energy storage and development of new energy production technologies, including hydrogen cells; Re-Cycle – recycling, resource management and production of E-Tech gearboxes; Re-Start – a training and research center dedicated to the closed cycle of cars.
2023-07-30 06:00:00
#Refactory #Renault #group #place #cars #internal #combustion #engine #electrified

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