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Renault could sell part of Nissan

DEVELOPING ELECTRICITY COSTA – As reported by the agency Bloomberg il Renault Group would be considering the possibility of sell a part of 43% of the shares held by the Japanese company Nissan to finance the transition to the electric car. According to sources, Nissan itself, jointly, would be willing to buy part of the 1.83 billion shares.

UNBALANCED PARTICIPATION – By reducing the shareholding, which has a total value of approximately 7.1 billion euros, the French company could rebalance lalliance without undoing it. The Renault Nissan alliance, which involves cross-shareholding, is not in fact equal since Nissan only owns 15% of Renault, and also has no voting rights on the board. This has always created discontent on the part of Nissan, which can not stand it imbalance.

ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES – A reduction of this quota would allow the CEO of the Renault Group, Luca de Meo, to finance the major structural changes that are currently being examined by the management. The largest of them, which was brought forward last February, is that of separation of the business related to electric cars from the one responsible for the development of combustion and hybrid cars. The division responsible for the development of electric cars would be composed of Mobilize and all related sharing services and would have its headquarters in France. De Meo stated that the hypothesis of a creation of astock offering (IPO), which could materialize in 2023, with the possible participation of a partner. It would therefore be an organizational solution very similar to that recently adopted by Ford, which has separated the division dedicated to the production of electric cars from that of endothermic ones.

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