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Renaud’s Return to the Stage and New Album ‘In My Ropes’ Delights Fans Across France

A return to the stage which could not more delight his many fans across France! Since the start of the year, Renaud has been crisscrossing France and performing a series of concerts on the occasion of his tour called In my ropes. A big comeback accompanied by a new project.

In fact, the one who is currently on the road as part of his tour which extends until spring 2024 released a new album also called In my ropes on December 1. A twentieth studio album in which Renaud has chosen to cover all his hits in a symphonic version… And on this occasion, the French artist who no longer needs to be introduced continues interviews.

After granting an interview to our colleagues from
Franceinfo Culture

at the beginning of the month, the interpreter of Mistral Gagnant in fact reserved a surprise for RTL listeners Good evening this Thursday, December 14, 2023.

Also see: Renaud takes the floor to deny Hugues Aufray’s announcement

Renaud, frank about his money problems

The opportunity for Cerise’s companion to reveal his plans for the coming year, but also to talk about his voice which has changed somewhat over the years. “When I speak, it is veiled… Fortunately, on stage, I found my voice and my vocal cords,” he said.

A rediscovered voice that he owes to a lifestyle that has radically changed. As proof, the singer decided to surround himself with a sports coach to stay in shape.

A desire to take care of his health which comes after the artist has experienced several “slightly difficult” episodes during his life. “After two marriages, two divorces, alcoholism, it ruined me a little… I no longer wanted to sing, no longer wanted to have a social life,” he admitted on RTL , happy to have finally gotten back on track.


2023-12-14 23:09:54
#Renaud #penniless #alcoholism #singer #opens #rarely

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