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Renaissance Senators vote for immigration bill, causing division within majority party

The vote of the senators of his group caused cringe in the presidential majority. Eighteen Renaissance elected officials out of the twenty-two from the Rally of Democrats, Progressives and Independents (RDPI) group gave the green light to the immigration bill largely hardened by the right, this Tuesday. “This is not a discharge given to the senatorial majority,” the president of the Macronists of the High Assembly, François Patriat, hastens to assert on Public Senate.

According to the senator from Côte-d’Or, if his group voted “for”, it is in anticipation of the upcoming debates in the National Assembly. The text arrives in committee on November 27 and in the hemicycle on December 11. “What we want is to give some guarantees for the text to succeed,” explains François Patriat. He considers that the rewriting of Gérald Darmanin’s bill by the right and the center in the Senate contains “irritants” but that “at the same time, there are more than 90 articles and this text serves as a basis”.

Risk of slingshot in Renaissance

One at the same time, a trademark of the presidential majority, which does not satisfy the left wing of Renaissance. For the former minister who came from the socialist benches, despite the different currents running through the presidential party, it is necessary to maintain a certain unity. “There are people who come from the left, others who come from the right, but I say that we must extinguish the attitude that leads to rebellion,” says François Patriat to his fellow deputies of the left wing. Led by the president of the law committee of the National Assembly Sacha Houlié, parliamentarians of this sensitivity wish to restore “the ambitious text of the executive”, as affirmed by the deputy of Vienne au Figaro.

Among these measures, modified by Republican (LR) and centrist senators: state medical aid (AME), removed and replaced with emergency medical aidas well as article 3 on the regularization of those who work in professions in shortage. “The AME will be reestablished, article 3 will be rewritten,” insists François Patriat for whom otherwise “there will be no text”, despite the red lines drawn by Bruno Retailleau, president of the LR senators.

Bet on Republican division

The Macronist senator is confident about the displayed inflection of the LR: “Mr. Retailleau had said that if there was the slightest aspect in the text which made it possible to give a residence permit to workers in an irregular situation, he would not do so. would never vote… He voted for it! “. For François Patriat, even without an agreement with the LRs in the joint committee after the examination in the National Assembly, the AME will be restored because “the government wants it”. The senator also believes that a text could be adopted in the lower house without recourse to article 49.3 of the Constitution, thanks to the votes of the LIOT group and because the LRs are divided: “There is a form of inconsistency among them. There are three currents: those who are against, those who abstain and those who are in favor eventually.”

The Republicans will also desert the new “Saint-Denis meeting” between Emmanuel Macron and the party leaders. The president of LR Éric Ciotti justified his non-participation by the absence of the head of state in the march against anti-Semitism on Sunday. The President of the Republic had, however, put on the table a proposal from the LR concerning the extension of the referendum to societal issues such as immigration. “The LRs ask for it, the president says okay let’s talk about it and they don’t go there. I think there is a form of irresponsibility, indignity and childishness,” scathes the senator from Côte-d’Or. It is therefore a table without socialist, rebellious and republican representatives around which Emmanuel Macron will officiate on Friday.

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