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Renaissance Dam Lake Reaches 603m After Storing 3 Billion Cubic Meters: Dr. Abbas Sharaki

Lake level reached AlNahda dam to a level of 603 meters above sea level after storing 3 billion cubic meters, according to a post by Dr. Abbas Sharaki, Professor of Water Resources at Cairo University, on his official Facebook page.

The third billion from the fourth storage

Dr. Abbas Sharaki, Professor of Water Resources at Cairo University, confirmed in the publication titled “The Third Billion from the Fourth Storage at a Level of 603m”, that two weeks after the start of the fourth storage on July 14, 2023, the level of the Renaissance Dam lake reached 603m above the surface. The sea after storing 3 billion m3, and last year the level reached 604 m during the flood, with a temporary rise as a result of the inability of the middle corridor to pass the flood flow during August and September 2022.

The fourth filling of the Renaissance Dam

Dr. Abbas Sharqi added that the two drainage holes are still open, but at a rate of about 50 million m3/day, which is slightly lower than what they were at the beginning of this month (60-70 million m3/day), as is evident from satellite images 28 with July 13, 2023). With the operation of the two turbines, bringing the total storage in the lake today, July 28, 2023, to 20 billion m3, after increasing the rainfall rate to 300 million m3 / day, which continues to increase gradually until it reaches 500-600 million m3 / day during August.

It is expected that the fourth storage in the Renaissance Dam lake will continue until mid-September, in the event that the level of the middle corridor is 625 meters.

Also read:

Expert: Thanks to the High Dam, no citizen will be thirsty or Qirat will stop farming

Dr. Abbas Sharaki said, in previous statements, “I mentioned repeatedly, even before the announcement of the Renaissance Dam in 2011, that no Egyptian citizen would thirst or stop one carat from farming in Egypt due to the lack of water in light of the presence of the High Dam.”

Dr. Abbas Sharaki confirmed that the state was able to prevent the damages from the previous and current Ethiopian stockpiles from reaching the citizen directly, but the price was borne by the Egyptian farmer, for whom we limited the area of ​​​​rice and prevented him from growing bananas in some places, as the rest of the people borne it in spending 18 billion pounds on the first stage of lining Canals, and more than 100 billion pounds for the treatment of agricultural, health and industrial wastewater, and more than another 100 billion pounds for desalination of sea water, and more than one billion pounds for digging groundwater wells and making dams to benefit from rain and torrential waters, and tens of billions in implementing water projects such as Renewal of the barrages group, and several billions more in the development of field irrigation and the use of modern irrigation methods in all new lands, and greenhouse projects.

2023-07-28 23:30:40
#satellite #image #reveals #details #Renaissance #Dam

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