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Remscheid: 8- Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon: Appointments are worthwhile

A team takes care of eight donors in the Hackenberg sports hall. The blood sample takes around 15 minutes.

© Roland Keusch

  • OfValeria Schulte-Niermann

    shut down

The Hackenberg sports hall was well attended. 539 donors registered, 513 donated.

Remscheid. The eighth blood donation marathon, which yesterday in the Hackenberg sports hall recorded 513 donors – 81 of whom were first-time donors – met with a great response. The campaign by the German Red Cross (DRK), Remscheider General-Anzeiger, Radio RSG and the city was almost fully booked.

The visitors to the blood donation marathon did not have to stand in the rain. Three pavilions protected them from the inconsistent weather while they waited in front of the entrance – in front of the Hackenberg sports hall, which was the scene of the large blood donation for the second time. Here the distances between the individual stations and couches could be kept well.

Vera Sievert, public relations officer for the German Red Cross (DRK), explained that the appointment had proven its worth. It will probably be retained for further blood donation appointments by the DRK West. “It’s much more organized for everyone involved,” she said. “The visitors know when it’s their turn, and the doctors have less pressure.” They are mostly the bottleneck when donating blood, where people gather.

Anyone who wanted was allowed to take part in the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon

Donor Katrin Wittrich also praised the concept: “It’s very structured and you can get through it quickly,” she said. She was donating blood for the fourth time and has never had any complications, as she reported.

You know how much is in store for you.

Vera Sievert, DRK, about making an appointment

539 donors had registered by Monday. Eleven places were still available when Vera Sievert closed the reservation system. However, she has made the experience that not everyone who has registered always comes. Nevertheless, when you register, you feel more obliged to make an appointment.

Those who didn’t have one were still allowed to participate, but had to wait until a place was available. Even those who came too early were only allowed into the hall at the agreed time.

For the DRK, making an appointment has another advantage: “You know how much you have to expect,” said Vera Sievert. This is particularly useful for hospitals. You could plan operations that use the canned food. These are currently increasing because some operations were postponed in 2020 due to Corona. “We have to fill a hole in canned food,” said Vera Sievert. With blood group 0, the DRK is currently unable to service 25 percent of inquiries from hospitals. Donated blood is therefore urgently needed.

The procedure takes a maximum of one hour

A good 14 volunteers plus 18 team members and five doctors took care of the donors. And the stream of people never stopped. There were always around 16 visitors in the registration hall. “It’s so quiet, it’s almost boring,” said Vera Sievert with a laugh.

Blood donation marathon is a complete success

More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall.
More than 500 donors came to the 8th Remscheid Blood Donation Marathon in the Hackenberg sports hall. © Roland Keusch

One floor below in the large gym, two teams each took blood from eight donors in the morning and three in the afternoon. After an hour at the latest, everyone was outside again. “In the past you knew you would spend half the day here, that is no longer the case,” said Vera Sievert. After the good deed, everyone was allowed to pick up a packed lunch at the exit. Vera Sievert would like to have a café again where people can sit comfortably together, but many would also like the packages so that they can leave immediately after the donation.

Although more loungers fit in the large sports hall, Vera Sievert would not build a fourth team there even after Corona. “That would be mass processing,” she said. 513 donors were enough for one day.

More blood donation appointments

The next blood donation appointment for the DRK Blood Donation Service West will take place in Remscheid on September 6th from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm at the DRK district association at Alleestraße 122-124. There are four dates in October – on the 4th in the city center, on the 15th in Lennep, on the 22nd in Hasten and on the 28th in Lüttringhausen. Anyone who is 18 years old can donate blood. The maximum donation age is 75 years. When donating, it is mandatory to wear an OP or FFP2 mask.


Point of view: That makes planning easier

Comment by Valeria Schulte-Niermann

valeria.schulte-niermann @ rga.de

© Christian Beier

Many hospital operations were postponed during the lockdown period. The DRK blood donation service is now feeling this. There is a lack of canned goods, especially of the blood group that can be given to everyone: blood group 0. Here, the red blood cells do not carry any antigens, which is why they are compatible with all other blood groups and do not lead to clumping of the blood. The hospitals urgently need this universally applicable blood. All the better that so many people took part in the eighth blood donation marathon. Despite the ongoing corona pandemic and bad weather, many stood up to do good and indirectly become lifesavers. The previous appointment has proven itself really well. The visitors not only know that they will be sure to get it at the specified time, but also that they will be ready in no more than an hour. The DRK knows how many people it has to reckon with and the hospitals how many operations they can perform. That makes planning a lot easier.

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