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Remove Belarus World Hockey Championship? We deal more with covid, it was also played here during communism, says Urban

Václav Šálek, ČTK

“I have not heard that anything is being addressed on the subject of Belarus. I think that sport tends to unite, we do not get involved in such matters. We were also under the communist regime, and yet the world championships took place here, “Martin Urban, Secretary General of Czech Hockey, recalls the history.

The fate of this year’s championship was affected by coronavirus and the tournament was eventually canceled in Switzerland. “I rather think we will deal with the covid that is raging. We are more afraid of this than political things. Of course, the World Cup is allocated and taken away by international federations, here you hear the opinion of one country out of almost eighty. If you look at it, the Olympics couldn’t be in China, “Urban adds another look.

Secretary General of Czech Hockey Martin Urban.

Vlastimil Vacek, Right

Of course, Covid has also hit the biggest hockey league, with the NHL now playing a postponed playoff under very strict measures. These are also expected for other events. International excluding.

“Measures are evolving. The World Cup in Switzerland has been canceled, the Summer Olympics in Tokyo have been postponed for a year, and the question mark still hangs here. The organizer must do everything in order for the event to take place. The NHL closes the player in a bubble. This is possible when you’re doing a tournament, so the NHL is finishing the season in two places, with two bubbles. Players are closed, “points out Urban’s strict rules.

“I think that the events in Belarus are changing dramatically. Now I do not see the possibility that our country could organize the World Hockey Championship together with Belarus. I have already called on the Ministry of Education and Science, which is also responsible for sport, to contact the International Hockey Federation , together they found a solution and decided how best to behave, “the ČTK agency quoted Latvian Prime Minister Krišjánis Kariňš as saying.

They will probably not avoid the Czech national team selections in the future. The Czechs have already experienced trouble when they were positive for covid-19 players of the national team of 20, who played three matches with the Slovaks in Brno.

“In general, any World Cup can be held in a similar way to the NHL. The World Twenties Championship, which is to be held in Canada and wants to use the experience of the NHL, is now being discussed. We already know that we will fly there sooner and have to obey certain things. This is how the organizers gradually prepare, “adds Urban, who wants the events to take place and the fans get what they love, in this case ice hockey.

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