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Removal of customs officers – NSDC: almost half returned to work

Out of more than 100 employees State Customs Service of Ukrainesuspended on suspicion of involvement in smuggling, 46 returned to work. All of them are from the Galician customs.

This is stated in the response of the State Customs Service to the request of the publication ZAXID.NET… It says that no violations were found during the checks.

“Currently, disciplinary proceedings against 127 officials of the territorial bodies of the State Customs Service, of which 46 officials of the Galician customs, are closed due to the lack of disciplinary offense in their actions and grounds for bringing them to disciplinary responsibility,” the department explained.

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We are talking about 30 employees of the Yavorov post, 14 employees of the Mostiska post and one each of Rava-Russkaya and Smilnitsa.

Taking into account the results of the audit, all 46 people returned to their posts. Also, disciplinary proceedings were continued against 22 officials of the territorial bodies of the State Customs Service.

As reported OBOZREVATEL, On April 2, more than 100 employees of the State Customs Service suspended from workas they may be involved in corruption. It happened right after the meeting National Security and Defense Council.

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