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Remkes: parties have not yet decided, conclusions in cabinet formation on Wednesday

Next Wednesday, conclusions will be drawn in the cabinet formation. That is what informateur Johan Remkes said after consultation with the negotiators of VVD, D66 and CDA. They spent more than ten hours together today, apparently without breaking through.

Remkes indicated earlier that he wants clarity this week from the various parties whether they see a minority government. “The conversation has not ended in a number of respects,” said Remkes.

“Definite conclusions will be drawn on Wednesday. I can’t say much about it now, but I tell you: at least one thing is not going to happen. That is back to the variants that circulated under my predecessor as informateur. That is repetition of we’re not going to do it.”


Under Remkes’ predecessor Mariëtte Hamer, the main focus was on continuing the current coalition of VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie, and on a centre-left coalition of VVD, D66, CDA, PvdA and GroenLinks. Both variants then ran into blockades, after which Remkes was instructed by the House of Representatives to investigate whether a minority government is possible.

D66 leader Sigrid Kaag said yesterday that she would rather aim for a majority government, and would like to start talks with six parties. The ChristenUnie, which she had previously objected to, may also join in. Kaag left open which coalition will eventually come out.

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