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Remembrance of the Deník editor: Petr Kellner? Direction indicator at the crossroads of destiny

I began to perceive the existence of billionaire Petr Kellner in 2004. At that time, a social worker came to my primary school in Senica na Hané and informed me in the principal’s office that due to the poor financial situation at home, I would end up in an orphanage. At the same time, however, she informed me that an eight-year-old Open Gate grammar school was being established in Babice near Prague, which since September 2005 will give a chance to gifted children from socially disadvantaged families or institutional care. The monthly tuition fee of 47,000 would reportedly be paid by the Kellner Foundation.

More articles on Petr Kellner’s death can be found HERE

I did not hesitate when deciding whether to spend time in the children’s home or in the dormitory in the area with its own football field, indoor swimming pool and theater building. After successfully passing the entrance exams, I exchanged the foundation for a prestigious gym. Without exaggeration, the best decision of my life.

Despite the initial problems not only with English, which was a necessary part of studying at Open Gate, I graduated in 2012. I saw Petr Kellner on the school premises a few times during that time, but I never dared to address him and personally thank him for the chance he had given me. Now I regret it more than before.

At the beginning of my studies in Babice, during regular meetings with the then director of the foundation, I repeated that I wanted to be a tractor driver or truck driver. In the end, I decided to study journalism; and even though I had an open gate abroad, I stayed in the Czech Republic. Even during my studies in Social and Media Communication at Jan Amos Comenius University in Prague, I was supported by The Kellner Family Foundation.
Petr Kellner was my life guide and patron.

In addition to school, our paths interconnected in another crucial case. The Kellner Foundation also financially supports Zámeček, a quarterly for children’s homes. Mainly thanks to this magazine, in which I wrote snippets from life in Open Gate, I decided for journalism and current work in the Olomouc editorial office of Deník.

Although there is not so much time left for Zámeček, as a member of the editorial board and editor-in-chief of the website through him, I remain in contact with both children’s homes and Open Gate. That’s why I know that there are a lot of people that Petr Kellner helped as well as me. And for that, unfortunately only after that, he deserves my huge thanks.

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