Home » today » Entertainment » Remembrance Day, Paolo Floris brings the monologue “Story of a thin man” to five regions

Remembrance Day, Paolo Floris brings the monologue “Story of a thin man” to five regions

Twenty-two shows with the monologue Story of a thin man and five regions involved: Sardinia, Marche, Tuscany, Lombardy and Emilia. It is the program of the eighth tour of the actor’s monologue Paolo Floris on the occasion of Remembrance Day. The show is based on the book The acorn is a cherry by the Sardinian writer Giacomo Mameli. Organizes the Bread&Chocolate Association.
Among the events, we highlight the one that will be held in Piacenza (7pm, Sala dei Teatini) on January 26th to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Piacenza. Among the protagonists, leading the “Justice and Freedom” brigade, was the Sardinian carabiniere Fausto Cossu of Tempio Pausania with sole commander Emilio Canziù (“Ezio Franchi”), Giuseppe Prati (“Liberator”), succeeded to Vladimiro Bersani (“Selva”, died in combat on 19 July 1944). A show will be proposed for the inmates of the Uta prison. Italian schools are very active, where over five thousand students will be involved.

photo "> The actor Paolo Floris


The actor Paolo Floris

The story told by Story of a man Magro tells the story of one of the many men protagonists of the Second World War. Vittorio Palmasfrom Perdasdefogu, who died a few years ago just before turning 106, was for a period in Bergen Belsen concentration camp, the same as Anne Frank. Jews, homosexuals, gypsies but often also political prisoners were weighed every week. And anyone weighing less than 35 kilos was killed.

One morning in 1944 Palmas steps on the scales, the weight is 37. And Vittorio will say: “I am alive for two kilos”. Based on Giacomo Mameli’s book La ghianda è una ciliegia (2006), Floris’ show, born from the meeting with Ascanio Celestini and the author of the book, brings Vittorio’s memories to light. With a light narration, which does not spare the horrors of Nazi-fascism, the life of the Sardinian soldier prisoner Imi (Italian military internees) becomes on stage, with the technique of narrative theatre, the symbol of many common men who the violence of war he transformed into heroes.

photo "> The writer Giacomo Mameli

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