Remembrance is the genetic code of the Jewish people, without supervision and adherence to memory the sheep, the people of Israel, would never have survived the 70 wolves and nations of the world. A Jewish proverb: Remembrance and commemoration determine who we are and our relationship with God. “Yes, I said to you, you shall live in your blood!” he writes Prophet Ezekiel.
Without memory we would have no God, faith and everything around it that makes us who we are. Which is really more important, physical participation in God’s biblical legislation on Mount Sinai or remembrance? Some of you will probably think that Live at Mount Sinai is more important, but no, the memory is more important because it keeps the idea and the belief alive. What use is a live recording of God’s covenant on Mount Sinai if this sensation in the desert had not been reported for generations. Therefore, remembrance and commemoration play an important role in Israel’s life.
My fallen comrade from the Lebanon War, Oren Kamil. A lot Schneider
The memory of the fallen is a national and sacred mourning, which people abroad may not fully understand. People have fallen in the country not only during the founding of the state, but also in the last few months. That is why this commemoration day is so alive and emotional. What unites us in Israel is the uniform and Israel’s People’s Army, in which not only Jews but also Christians, Muslims and Druze serve. In Bible history, too, non-Jews have served in the army, such as the commander Uriah the Hittites in the army of King David.
So tonight at eight o’clock the sirens will wail across the country and the commemorations will begin. 24,213 Israelis, that is the number of dead since the return of the Jewish people. Last year, 59 casualties were added to the Israeli armed forces. In addition, according to government sources, the number of terrorist victims is 4,255 civilians, including 740 murdered children and young people up to the age of 18. Converted per day an Israeli has to sacrifice his life for Israel’s existence. Blood. “Yes, I said to you, you shall live in your blood!”

The fallen Joshai Ruven Weissman also served with me. A lot Schneider
“The Memorial Day of the fallen in Israel’s wars and the victims of the terrorist attacks belongs to all of us. It is a day of remembrance when contention must be silent and we must all make way for pain and remembrance. The holiness of the fallen and the respect we have for the bereaved unites us, at the graves of our loved ones who have fallen we are all brothers. We are all one people”. All four of Israel’s prime ministers signed this appeal Benjamin NetanyahuSecretary of Defense Yoav Galant and the opposition leaders Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid. And the letter ends like this: “In their death, the fallen commanded us to live, to love the country, the people and the people. Let us all preserve the sanctity of the commemoration of the fallen in Israel’s wars as well as the victims of the terrorist attacks. A ceasefire, at least for the commemoration period. The blood of the fallen must not be desecrated because of the internal political conflict among the people. We all have to pull ourselves together.”
Zikaron – Remember – is a significant term in the Hebrew Bible text and appears frequently in the love story between God and his people. “Moses said to the people, ‘Remember this day, when you left Egypt, out of the house of bondage, and the LORD took you out of there with a mighty hand; therefore you shall not eat anything leavened.'” Pessasch. “Remember the Shabbat to keep it holy!” Joshua reminds the people: “Remember the word that Moses the servant of God spoke to you: The LORD your God has given you rest and given you this land.”
But not only the people of Israel are called upon to commemorate experiences, but also God called himself “To remember his covenant, which is between me and you and all living beings of all flesh, that henceforth the waters shall no longer become a deluge that destroys all flesh. Therefore the bow shall be in the clouds, that I may look upon it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of every flesh that is upon the earth.”

Alexander Singer, like the other two, died in an attack on their helicopter in Lebanon. A lot Schneider
In this sense, the national memorial day of the fallen is sanctified in the country. Remembering all those who gave their lives in defense of Israel is like commemorating Shabbat as it is holy. Starting tonight and tomorrow, we all commemorate those who died, each their relatives or comrades, who gave their lives for Israel’s freedom and existence. Israel’s existence is a miracle and we must not destroy this miracle because of the internal political dispute.
We must look out for one another to preserve this miracle of Israel, especially on this day, for we are brothers and sisters. For this, according to Joshua, God “rested us and gave us this land.”
2023-04-24 09:08:35
#Tacheles #Aviel #live #blood