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Remembering Houria Hassan: The Flying Singer’s Legacy Lives On

Sarah Salah

Thursday, 08 June 2023 08:00 AM

Today, Thursday, will be the anniversary of the artist’s passing Houria HassanShe left our world on June 8, 1994, after she presented a great singing and cinematic career, and the audience knows her with her famous song “From My Love to You, My Neighbor.”

Within the artistic community, she was dubbed “the flying singer” because she sang more than 400 songs, but she was always traveling to brotherly Arab countries to perform at concerts.

She presented 6 films, “Patience is beautiful, I love you, Hassan, Baba Aris, Antar and Bulbul, Cheers, El Alamein.” Among her most famous songs: “O soft, oh strange, and birds of paradise. Jay”, “Goodbye”, “I love you, my country”, “The origin of love is a look”, “I and my love”, “Oh, from your love”, “Oh Yana m love”, and “Welcome to love”. And “Bashir Al-Sabah,” and “Come see your fortune,” and “You brought our God,” and “Goodness and the two candles.”

She married Zain Al-Ashmawy and separated from him after a while, and gave birth to her daughter Hanan, and in a rare interview, Houria revealed this incident, saying: “After my mother’s divorce, we lived in a separate house in Tanta, and our care moved to one of the sheikhs from my mother’s family, and it was customary for men to choose a groom for each girl from the family.” .. And she continued: “I was surprised by a young man wearing a robe who proposed to me, and next to him was the sheikh of our family, so I cried out in disapproval, so the sheikh slapped me on my face to accept the groom.”

And she added, “I spent my days thinking of a way out until I found the solution in my father’s gun, so I hid it in my clothes. On the wedding night, I shot the groom, everyone screamed, and chaos reigned, and then I fled to Cairo, and my mother followed me. After 10 years, I was surprised by my relatives surrounding me, and I was surprised when I found the dead man standing among them.” .

Then one of them reassured me that the bullets I fired had gone off, and they apologized to me for their mistake, and I forgave them, and my relationship with my family was restored.

2023-06-08 05:00:00

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