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Remembering Dardo Delgado: A Tribute to El Galpón’s Exiled Actor and Independent Theater Figure

This Thursday, the 6th, the remains of the member of El Galpón, Dardo Delgado, a member of the cast of that independent theater who had to go into exile due to the pressure of the goplista government 1973-1985 and who raised the space again in the post-dictatorship, were veiled.

The first headquarters of El Galpón was located in Mercedes corner Carlos Roxlo. In 1968, the government of Jorge Pacheco decreed prompt security measures on the day of the premiere of “Libertad, Libertad”, which had Delgado as one of its actors, a work directed by César Campodónico.

One of the playwrights of this piece, Flavio Rangel, defined the play as “a claim, denunciation, protest and above all alert” for Latin America, from a country institutionally bankrupt by the Castelo Branco dictatorship.

According to an article in La República, “Libertad, Libertad” was represented in 59 places throughout the country, a clear example of the relevance of independent theater in the hectic 1960s, which had Delgado as a figure on the stage.

Rulo Delgado participated in all the ups and downs of that prestigious independent national theater house. He was in Mexican exile, returned to the country with the post-dictatorship reconstruction and was a member of several El Galpón commissions.

The National Comedy mourned the death of Delgado and recalled in a statement his participation in “So that five years pass” by García Lorca. Another fundamental space for independent theater, the Teatro Circular, greeted his wife and children, and the Actors Union synthesized the moment of this artistic activity for the news: “Today the stages are silent… Only that voice and unmistakable laughter of Thin Roll”.

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