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Remembering Andrea Purgatori: A Journalist Who Sought Hidden Truths with Respect

15:56 Mulè: “He sought the truth with respect”

“It is a tribute to a friend and a colleague who guided our dreams as journalists”. To say it is the vice president of the Chamber and deputy of Forza Italia Giorgio Mulé at the exit of the Campidoglio where he went to pay homage to Andrea Purgatori. “She was a guide, due to his stubbornness – underlines Mulè – He was an example for those who want to do this job, not in looking for pre-established theses but in looking for hidden truths”. Purgatori «did this, he did it with that ringworm that we all know but with class and respect. And he never used tones that were unrelated to the vocabulary of respect, despite the fact that he had positions that were not harsh but sometimes very harsh towards people or personalities. This, at a time when that vocabulary is somewhat forgotten, is a lesson for all journalists», concludes Mulè.

15:54 Pietro Orlandi: “First a friend, then the journalist we all know”

“Andrea was first a friend, then the journalist we all know.” So Pietro Orlandi at the exit of the funeral home in Campidoglio, where he went to pay homage to Andrea Purgatori. «The facts speak for themselves about the journalist – adds Emanuela Orlandi’s brother – I will certainly miss him as a friend. I leaned on him a lot in every situation, we spoke often. He was an exceptional person ». On the investigation concerning his sister Emanuela, followed from the beginning with dedication and passion by Purgatori, “I will miss him very much, he cared about this very much”, he says, moved.

2023-07-27 17:34:38
#Andrea #Purgatori #funeral #home #opened #Campidoglio #Pietro #Orlandi

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