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Remember and record! Ways to stay fit and healthy in your 30s

Poptren.suara.com – Age 20 y 30s said to be of productive age. Because people with that age group have fit body and can do many things as “stepping stone” to build their character. But unfortunately, there are still many people of this age who are careless and not cared for Health correctly, as a result various diseases start to darken as one gets older.

One disease that often “visits” and becomes a nightmare is heart disease. Therefore, for people in their 30s, they must adopt a healthy life so that they don’t regret it later. As quoted from the page Cheers BronsonThere are several things that can be done to stay healthy and fit into a productive age, namely:

1. Exercise regularly

It sounds trivial, but exercise is important for maintaining a healthy body because physical activity will make it easier for the heart to pump blood, thereby increasing oxygen levels in the body. Because if blood circulation is regular, the body will also be in better shape.

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2. Get enough sleep

Quality sleep is about seven to nine hours a day and helps prevent heart health problems. Adequate rest will minimize the buildup of calcium in your arteries and keep your body healthy for longer.

3. Food consumed

The younger generation is “familiar”. fast food, junk food or foods that contain high levels of salt and fat. If someone enters their 30s, you should cut back on these foods because they can threaten heart health.

Therefore, American Heart Association o The AHA recommends healthy intakes such as vegetables, fruits, lean meats and whole grains.

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4. Give up bad habits

Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is an unhealthy lifestyle and can trigger a heart attack. Alcohol can raise blood pressure and trigger strokes, while smoking interferes with heart performance, clogs blood vessels, and eventually causes various chronic diseases.

5. Take care of mental health

Your 30s are the busiest period due to family responsibilities, workload, demands here and there, pressure from many parts that make you feel stressed and anxious.

A bad mental condition will raise blood pressure, thus affecting the overall health of the body. Therefore, no matter how heavy the responsibilities, you need to take time to refresh your mind. For example, yoga, meditation or your favorite activities.

6. Verify he is terrified

As you enter your 30s, you need to have regular medical checkups so that even the slightest ailment can be detected and properly managed before it’s too late. Don’t wait for a new disease to go to the doctor, get into the habit of having routine checkups to avoid the accumulation of diseases in the body.

7. Understand family medical history

By understanding the family’s medical history, a person can take preventative steps to prevent the symptoms of these hereditary diseases from appearing and getting worse in his or her body.

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