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Remember! 3 Days to Use Plastic Bags Banned in DKI


The use of disposable plastic bags in DKI Jakarta will be prohibited starting July 1, 2020. The ban will apply in malls, supermarkets, and traditional markets regulated by Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 142 of 2019 concerning Obligations to Use Environmentally Friendly Shopping Bags at Shopping Centers, Supermarkets, and People’s Markets.

“We appeal to the citizens, to all of us, starting July 1, if shopping brings its own environmentally friendly shopping bags, which can be reused,” said DKI Jakarta Environment Agency (LH) chief Andono Warih to detikcom quoted Sunday (6/28/2020).

So far it has promoted a ban on the use of plastic bags to 82 malls, more than 3,000 supermarkets (minimarkets, supermarkets, and hypermarkets), and 153 traditional markets. In its implementation, officers from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government will oversee the trade facilities.

“Let alone after actually applying as in Pergub, before our officers had already been to the field. So our officers even before the busy PSBB, we had a meeting with relevant stakeholders. So all of us have already come. Especially after it will apply there is an officer watching, there must be, “he said.

These trading facilities are obliged to forbid customers to shop using disposable plastic bags. Although this ban is mandatory, the DKI Provincial Government will not immediately impose sanctions if later it is still found the use of disposable plastic bags.

“We are departing from the philosophy of behavioral change for the better. So naturally as the norms in Pergub, sanctions are gradual. Not directly sanctions, there is education, supervision, monitoring, then there is a warning, warning, then sanctions,” explained Andono

According to him, there are so many positive aspects in this prohibition, not only about the environment.

“The side is not just the punishment, but there is a positive side to it too. If in the environment it is definitely very positive, right? We know that plastic cannot be broken down in a short time. Secondly, for these entrepreneurs, they don’t have to provide plastic bags, so do they. traders, this is more efficient than that, “he said.

Watch VideoWell, the price of plastic bags will rise up to Rp 5 thousand
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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