Home » today » News » Religion: the REMEDY raises awareness among populations about the challenges of life and the solutions to be found – AGP

Religion: the REMEDY raises awareness among populations about the challenges of life and the solutions to be found – AGP

Lambaréné, December 10, 2023 (AGP) – The Grouping of Muslims for Education and Development (REMEDE) carried out, last Saturday, at the mosque in the Isaac district of Lambaréné, provincial capital of Middle Ogooué (Center), a general public awareness, led by Imam Benyamin Émile Andjoua Obolo, president of the High Council of Islamic Affairs of Gabon (CSAIG), under the theme: “the trials of present life: teaching and solutions”.

During this conference, REMEDE explained to populations the behavior to adopt in the event of hardship and the solutions that can be found. The speakers indicated that when faced with the trials of life, one must demonstrate endurance, patience, and above all, one must invoke and trust in Allah.

“We chose to develop this theme, the trials of life and the solutions,” because we see that across Gabon, there are many trials that affect towns, like Lambaréné and Mouila, notably floods. And faced with all these situations which affect our compatriots and brothers and sisters in the faith, it was important for us to come and exchange with them, in order to give them solutions to overcome these trials. These trials are lessons. And we must learn from these trials,” said Imam Benyamin Andjoua Obolo.

He also encouraged everyone not to fall into despair. ”Our Lord is he who tests whomever he wishes, by what he wishes. And he is the one who has the solution. We must accept trials, demonstrate endurance and implore forgiveness from our Lord. Let us invoke him and he will get us out of these trials,” he urged.

Concluding his remarks, the president of the High Council of Islamic Affairs of Gabon (CSAIG) said that the believer should not despair in the face of trials. Because sometimes trials are tests from Allah towards his people.

Note that the awareness caravan of the grouping of Muslims for education and development will extend across the entire territory.


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