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Relieve Back Pain in the Following Ways

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta Back pain It doesn’t just happen to the elderly. This health disorder can also occur at productive age due to several factors, such as sitting too long. Generally, the symptoms that appear include burning sensation, pain, tingling, to stiffness in the area around the waist.


Mulanya, pinggang pun akan terasa pegal, lalu lama-kelamaan muncul pula rasa menusuk yang membuat sulit bergerak dan berdiri tegak. Namun demikian, Anda tak perlu khawatir. Jika masih dalam derajat ringan, rasa sakit tersebut bisa diredakan dengan cara-cara sederhana. Berikut sejumlah tips yang bisa dilakukan.

Mengubah posisi duduk
Cara pertama dengan membiasakan mengubah posisi duduk dan bahkan berdiri. Langkah ini berguna untuk melemaskan otot-otot pinggang.


Rebahkan badan
Jika sudah duduk selama berjam-jam, ada baiknya mengistirahatkan diri sebentar dengan merebahkan tubuh. Pastikan badan ada dalam posisi telentang sehingga tulang pinggang pun bisa beristirahat.

Choose the right seat
Although it seems trivial, the selection of this chair is actually important to pay attention to. The right chair can support the waist perfectly.

Move more
Many people are lazy to move when they are sitting. In fact, the natural back pain medicine is basically just to stay active. However, there is no need to do strenuous and even extreme movements because it will only increase the pain. Just do light activities, such as walking, then the pain will be reduced.

Hot bath
Soaking in warm water can relax the nerves and muscles of the waist that are tense so that the body can be more relaxed. Not only that, a warm bath can also improve blood circulation and stimulate the production of the hormone dopamine to fight stress.

Use a warm patch or gel
Another alternative that can relieve back pain is to use a warm patch or gel. The warm sensation that comes out is useful for relieving pain in muscle and joints.

Also read: 7 Tips for Overcoming Back Pain, The Causes Can Be Various

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