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Relegation issue before Bundesliga start unresolved | MZ.de.

Frankfurt / Main –

Five instead of three substitutions, home games in a neutral stadium if necessary, a champions maybe in July – but the controversial relegation issue in the event of an end to the season remains unresolved.

Two days before the start of emergency operations in the Bundesliga with ghost games, the fifth extraordinary DFL general meeting in the corona crisis postponed the decision for a worst case on Thursday.

Augsburg’s new trainer Heiko Herrlich, who had left the hotel during the quarantine and was shopping in a supermarket, provided new fuel. In the evening, the 48-year-old apologized for it. “I made a mistake by leaving the hotel. Even if I have followed all hygiene measures both when leaving the hotel and otherwise, I cannot undo this, ”he is quoted in a message from FC Augsburg. “In this situation I did not live up to my role model function towards my team and the public.”

He will stand by his mistake and “due to this misconduct, will not lead the training tomorrow and will not coach the team on Saturday against Wolfsburg”. Further corona tests will be carried out in the next few days, the FCA said. “After two negative test results, Heiko Herrlich will resume training at FC Augsburg.”

It was a wonderful violation of the requirements of the DFL concept. The coach had previously reported on his trip. “We are in quarantine in the hotel and shouldn’t actually go out there. But there are situations that just require it, ”he said. “I don’t have a toothpaste that is going out and I haven’t had any skin cream, and then I went to a supermarket with my tracksuit nearby.”

The 36 professional clubs cleared further hurdles at their general meeting on Thursday to somehow end the round. It remains unclear what exactly will happen if the season has to be stopped. “In the event that a continuation of the game should no longer be possible due to future developments and the season has to be stopped prematurely, a regulation regarding the sporting classification should be developed within the next two weeks,” said the DFL after the switch. The topic was “not discussed in depth”. A violent argument broke out in the sub-assemblies of the 1st and 2nd division on Wednesday.

“For me as a coach, it is very important that all 34 games are played. If we were denied this opportunity to play the last two games, I would definitely be talking about distortion of competition, ”said Fortuna Düsseldorf coach Uwe Rösler, who first had to be informed about the latest discussions.

In any case, the DFL continues to fight with all its might to implement its concept in order not to make the economic damage even greater. She is sticking to her plan to end the current season completely and including relegation. This was “unanimously confirmed with an abstention”, said the league association. It is scheduled to end by June 30th. If legally possible, this should also be done in July, if legally possible.

On the last nine days of the game, the teams can now change five times instead of three. The DFL adopted the change introduced by the FIFA World Association. This should relieve the players in the face of the tightly packed calendar and possible games in high heat in summer. The changes may be made during the break and on three further occasions during the season. This is to prevent coaches from using the new instrument for time play in the final phase of a game.

The clubs can also play their home games in a neutral stadium – if the authorities make it impossible for them to play, as clubs in the 3rd league already threaten. Football is still dependent on permits from the health authorities.

Werder supervisory board chief Marco Bode had heavily criticized the DFL presidium for its approach to the question of the end of the season. “This is a regulation that entails an incredible amount. You can’t just make a decision of this magnitude en passant a few days before the game resumes, ”said the former international. Werder Bremen and SC Paderborn currently occupy the last two places. The other two options in the event of an abandonment are apparently a cancellation of the season or an increase in the league.

Meanwhile, a football professional has again criticized the general procedure of the DFL. “As far as I know, we weren’t involved at all. Otherwise there might have been many questions. The hygiene concept itself exudes a hint of security. And yet we players have been left alone with our fears and questions, ”said midfielder and ex-captain Marco Hartmann of Dynamo Dresden the“ Spiegel ”. “You should have found a way for the players to say: I’m scared. The clubs shouldn’t have done that alone, it should have come from the DFL. ”

Christian Streich defended the restart of the Bundesliga against the critics. During the discussions in politics and society, there was “resistance that was sometimes not understandable,” said the SC Freiburg coach. He sometimes thought, “There is also a little bit of envy. I am really looking forward to Saturday and I am very happy that we can play ”.

National goalkeeper Manuel Neuer from FC Bayern Munich believes that professional football could also set an example in the Corona crisis given the strict conditions. “If we adhere to the guidelines on how we do this, it is a completely different picture of what we give than what happens at the demonstrations,” said the 34-year-old captain of the Bundesliga league leader in an Instagram Chat with commentator Wolff Fuss (43) from Pay TV broadcaster Sky.

The football players must follow strict hygiene requirements away from the field. The distance rules do not apply only during games and on the training ground. Before the first games without spectators, the professionals are isolated in hotels in quarantine training camps. Tests are regularly scheduled for professionals, trainers and supervisors. (dpa)

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