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Relaxation and Astrological Forecast: The Favorable Weekend Ahead

This weekend is favorable for relaxation if only for the reason that, although to varying degrees, they are not suitable for active actions, so you will have to give them up.

October 14 and 15 are days of changeable energy, which have one, but significant, common feature: they deprive a person of the strength necessary for a full life, so they must be spent sparingly. Who will be lucky at this time?

October 14 is the most difficult and dangerous day of the lunar horoscope. Its energy is so negative that astrologers, as a rule, advise not to leave the walls of your home on this day and limit communication only to those moments when it cannot be avoided, and postpone all other conversations and conversations at least until tomorrow. Those who, on their advice, did not hide can only blame themselves – no one else will be responsible for their unreasonable behavior. But every cloud has a silver lining: today you can, with a clear conscience, devote yourself to passive relaxation – on the couch, with a book or in front of the TV. On Sunday, October 15, we can talk about a more favorable life for a person, but an active lifestyle is still undesirable, since strength – both physical and moral – will be in short supply, so it will only be enough for the most necessary actions.


Taurus, whose mental and intellectual abilities will sharpen at this time, will be able to develop a plan for further professional actions that will allow them to achieve tremendous success. Of course, this will happen at the beginning of a new work week, but the foundations for future achievements will be laid this weekend, so don’t be lazy.


Cancers will be able to get what they want only if they give up their habit of backing away, retreating from their goal rather than approaching it. If they manage to overcome themselves and move only forward, they will get what they want. This will mainly affect relationships with a loved one: representatives of the sign need to abandon modesty and take a decisive step.


Libra will feel the urge to act, which they will do without appreciating the amount of energy they have. In this way, they can make serious mistakes, but it will not bring the desired result closer to them, but, on the contrary, will push it further away. The stars advise representatives of the sign to relax and give up any activity, then everything will happen as if by itself.

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