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Relatives of the villagers detained in Çatak spoke to Cumhuriyet: “Who did this torture?”

It was alleged that Osman Şiban (50) and Servet Turgut (55), who were detained during an operation in the countryside of Andiçen District Sürik hamlet of Van’s Çatak district, were thrown from helicopters. Van Governorate claimed that people who tried to escape by not obeying the “stop” warning in the operation area fell from the rocks. The lawyers and their relatives of the villagers, who argued that the statement of the governorship was not correct, said, “While working in the field, they took it in front of our eyes and put it in a helicopter. There is no event of running away or resisting. “We learned that they were in the hospital 3 days later.”

In the epicrisis report prepared by doctors, Osman Şiban and Servet Turgut, who were detained on September 11 by the soldiers who went into operation in Çatak district and who turned out to be in the intensive care unit of the Van Regional Training and Research Hospital two days later, said, “After falling from height It was reported to the medical teams and brought to the emergency room by 112 ”. In the continuation of Şiban’s report, it was stated that “… the patient was brought to the emergency room after falling from the helicopter and the injury by the emergency specialist on the day of the incident and an on-site consultation (diagnosis) was requested. It is said that the patient has been seen in the emergency. It was stated that Osman Şiban, who was discharged after his treatment, lost his memory, and it was learned that Servet Turgut, who was being treated in the intensive care unit, was connected to the breathing apparatus and that his life was in danger.

The Governorship of Van made a statement regarding the incident after HDP deputies brought the allegations of dropping the helicopters to the agenda of the Turkish Grand National Assembly with questions. In the statement, “It was observed that the person named ST, who was observing the place where the terrorist was neutralized and exhibiting suspicious movements, fell and was injured in the rocky area while trying to escape by not obeying the ‘stop’ warning. O.Ş., which is evaluated to be aiding and abetting members of the separatist terrorist organization in the region. The person named was duly taken under protection despite showing resistance in the same region ”. In the statement, it was stated that the persons who were taken from the region by helicopter to the Van Provincial Gendarmerie Command were later hospitalized.


Relatives of the villagers who spoke to the Republic argued that the statement made by the governorship was not correct. Osman Şiban’s brother Cengiz Şiban said, “They take Servet from the field at about 17.30 and bring it to the village. Osman was drinking tea with his children. Normally, the soldiers came back during the day and checked their identity. They slapped one of us and said, ‘We are angry, we will take it out of you’. In the evening, they took them in good condition and put them on the helicopter. 3 days later, news came that they were in hospital. These people were tortured inhumane. Osman is also a citizen of this country, he does not have a call, he does not have an investigation. Osman is discharged but does not remember us. I want those who do these to be accountable before the judiciary. I call out to the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Investigate those who perpetrated this atrocity, bring them to court ”.

Servet Turgut’s brother, Naif Turgut, stated that the life risk of his brother continues and said: “My brother’s field is 1-2 kilometers away from the conflict area that took place that day. Soldiers come to my brother while he is tilling hay in the field and asks, ‘Are you helping and abetting them?’ Fortune said they were people who had a livelihood. A little stuttering, my brother. They brought him to the village and took Osman. The children cried. Servet has 8 children. We do not know what they did after they got on the helicopter. Yesterday I went to Osman and asked him ‘What did they do to you?’ He said ‘They threw us from the helicopter’. There are no rocks or stones on which they can fall. I also went and talked to the prosecutor. We submit to justice, judge, but why do they torture. It has no solid bones. ”

The lawyer of the two families, Hamit Kocak, stated that he thought the governorship did not even examine the file and said, “There are eyewitnesses. They took Osman and Servet safe from the village. There is no resistance. “They are trying to direct the judiciary,” he said.


The delegation headed by HDP Group Deputy Chair Saruhan Oluç, who went to Van to investigate the allegations on the spot, met with the chief physician of the Van Regional Research Hospital. When the delegation wishing to make a statement at the hospital door was not allowed, a brief quarrel between the police and the members of parliament took place. Making a statement in front of the hospital later, Oluç argued that the governorship was trying to conceal the incident and said, “Who gave this torture order? We ask Süleyman Soylu. We are asking Hulusi Akar. Did a special operation do this torture? Did the safety? Did he law enforcement? Did your new JİTEM do it? ”He asked.

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