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Relatives of people killed by Los Angeles police officers hold a protest | Univision News Shows

against the telephone companychina hawaii. the wolf came bymontaner was sighted inmissouri, tennessee, y carolinanorth and south carolina.maity: the relatives ofpeople who have been killedhands of the policeangels gathered to demandthat justice be done to theircases. a hispanic familyreceived compensation of$12,000,000. but they whatthey seek is that those responsibleof the deaths areprosecuted. they say that themoney cannot replacejustice. he has us sweetreport.sweet: the relatives of fivepeople who died at the handsof the police raised theirvoices to demand the prosecutorof los angeles countyprosecute the copsinvolved.>> the whole family asks thatthe police are treated asall the people who committitled.sweet: the mother and sister ofésar rodíguez who died in2007 during the altercation withofficial arrived to supportthe other families.>> all this hurts a lot. thecops keep killing thempeople.destroying families.We want justice. and what alreadyI stopped this police violence.sweet: they recently won thecase continues but says they have notobtained justice.>> they gave him compensationto my mother, but that’s notjustice for us. hemoney will not return to ceasethat’s it mi maá se queówithout his son.so what we areasking is that this officialgo to jailsweet: deóscar lon ánchezwho died at the hands of the policefrom los angeles says he suffereda mental breakdown. a theme incomun with the other cases.we request a comment fromthe hospital officeprosecutor but it was notprovided.by means of the law ave 15 06cases like these couldqualify to be investigatedby the justice department

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