Home » World » Relatives of Invested Youth East of San Antonio Demand Changes in Area | Videos | Univision 41 San Antonio KWEX

Relatives of Invested Youth East of San Antonio Demand Changes in Area | Videos | Univision 41 San Antonio KWEX

feel for fear thatlack of security caninfluence so that deathof their teenagers. out of fearResolved.everybody out here to cross theroad where the accident occurred.and we are seeing cars thatPortas reacted hereyalu area ee io sac.This Friday is oneweek by two young peoplefriends lost their lives beingroad intersection, east ofthe city of sant’antonio, i.more info here more families iswhat’s the time no oneperson wasarrested in connection with thiscase, the benefit and your concernincreases because the area does nothave enough securityof visibility. what do they say,definitely influenced thistragedy. it seemsalmost nine. May.this woman, because everythinghas one of the victims andI know with pain that it followedvehicles with red light,what makes you thinktragedy could havebeen strongly warnedwe practice with the commissionerfrom district two to find outWhat are they doingaftercomplaints from these residents have.he is comatose in both gulps.six.he says it as his adviserhonesty and responsibilitykeep your district safeit happened at the weddingso we like ithere. go to areche spacethe same way he saysthat in these momentsfind work withhippies, as well as with thepublic works departmentto identify strategiesbe the safest area,especially with the lightingpart the prisons thatresidents of the areaAvenue. Luis saw that they ask, it ismore enlightened.security cameras with everyonetraffic lights and more patrollingvehicle penaltypassing at high speedand well, it needs to be emphasizedthey could have influencedthese requests ofcommunity in that tragedyaccident.that the responsible driverit didn’t stopto help young peopleif any information fromthis chaos asks you to communicate

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