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Relatives, acquaintances and friends: the rules to keep at home

Dietrofront of the government on the idea of ​​preventing receiving guests in their private home. “It is strongly recommended to avoid parties and to receive non-cohabiting people of more than 6” we read in the new Dpcm. Then passed the line of the Quirinale and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, from the beginning opposed to completely prohibiting the private parties at home, they opted for a suggestion, a recommendation to the population.

Not a ban but a suggestion

Also because the idea, put forward by the ministers Roberto Speranza and Dario Franceschini, that the police could enter the houses and check the documents of those who were present was not really liked and had actually raised considerable controversy. Therefore, there is no prohibition and no control at any moment. Same goes for the use of the mask at home. Also in this case “The use of respiratory protection devices is strongly recommended even in private homes in the presence of non-cohabiting people”. It is then up to the individual to use them or not. While, “The feasts consequent to civil or religious ceremonies can take place with the maximum participation of 30 people in compliance with the protocols and guidelines in force “. In fact, as the Quirinale pointed out, in the Dpcm of 7 October there was talk of a tightening of the rules regarding public places, but nothing about private ones.

The soft line was also followed to try to make up for what the Minister of Health had declared last Sunday in the transmission by Fabio Fazio. Speranza had in fact announced that it had asked for a veto for private parties, relying on the control over the territory implemented by citizens, called to the role of spies by the executive. Obviously his words had immediately sparked the imagination and irony on social media. And even among the majority they had created some perplexity. Changes also regarding the times of quarantine and those of fiduciary isolation. The mandatory quarantine will now be 10 days, thus reducing by five days compared to the previous one. A single negative swab will be enough to decree the end of the isolation.

Smart-working and schools: the government line

To reduce the presence of commuters on the buses it is necessary “to encourage smart working and differentiate school hours”. Thus, on behalf of Anci, the president of Anci and mayor of Bari, Antonio Decaro, had expressed himself during the work of the control room with the government on the new measures to be taken to stem the spread of the virus and the increase in cases. The CTS had suggested to the executive to increase the remote work share to 50-70%, even in this case instead the government preferred to limit itself to one recommendation: that is, that the professional activities are also implemented through agile working methods, from the home or in any case in remote mode. As for schools, some mayors and governors had advanced the hypothesis of leaving high school students at home, who would follow the lessons through distance learning, in order to decongest public transport. Idea immediately rejected by the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina who recalled how Italian schools have the lowest numbers of infections in Europe.

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