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‘Relatively many known side effects after first injection with AstraZeneca’

It’s important for people to be aware that they can experience side effects, Kant says. “That first injection of AstraZeneca has a relatively large number of side effects. People cannot enjoy it for a day.”

Not translatable one to one

It is important to note that the percentages from the survey cannot be translated one-to-one to the general population. “We invite everyone to participate in our study, including people who do not experience side effects. But because people can register up to 48 hours after the injection, it is possible that people decide to participate more often if they do experience side effects”, Kant says.

Kant does not know why AstraZeneca causes fever from Pfizer / BioNTech more often. “But in itself, a fever due to vaccination is not dangerous. If the fever develops 6 to 8 hours after the injection and lasts for one or a maximum of two days, it is not harmful. If the fever develops later or lasts longer, there may be another cause. then the vaccination. Then it is wise to call the doctor if you are worried. “

First versus second shot

Whether the vaccine from AstraZeneca with the second injection gives a total of more side effects than that of Pfizer, according to Kant, it is not yet possible to say. In general, the studies of the pharmaceutical companies have shown that the side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine are more severe after the first injection than after the second injection. The opposite is true for the vaccines from Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna.

The results of the Moderna vaccine for men and for other age groups will follow later, if there are enough participants in those groups to draw conclusions.

Temporarily suspended

A week and a half ago, the vaccinations with AstraZeneca in the Netherlands were temporarily suspended because several cases were found abroad of people who developed a rare and serious combination of thrombosis with a reduced number of platelets after an injection with the AstraZeneca vaccine. This has not yet been reported in the Netherlands.

Injecting AstraZeneca recently resumed after the European Medicines Agency ruled again that the drug is safe and effective. It concluded that thrombosis in general is not a side effect of the vaccine. However, it cannot be confirmed or excluded at this time that the very rare cases of platelet deficiency thrombosis are due to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Today in Rotterdam, injection with AstraZeneca started again:

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