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Relationship between metabolic syndrome and appearance of small skin polyps in medical exposure | CTWANT | Life

Skin polyps?Beware of Metabolic Syndrome

“Skin polyps” are papules or small granulations that grow on the surface of the skin. They are often found on the neck, underarms, groin, buttocks, chest, back, etc. The color is flesh-colored or brown-black, and the appearance is small soft particles. There are tiny roots connected to the epidermis, mostly 3-4 mm in size, and a few more than 1 cm. What is its cause? How to treat it? Why is it related to “metabolic syndrome”?

“First of all, “skin polyps” and “intestinal polyps” are completely different things!” Dr. Ge Zhengxiang explained that although the two are similar in appearance and are also called “polyps” in Chinese, their respective locations, growth mechanisms, and pathological tissues The types are different. Skin polyps (skin tags) grow on the surface of the skin, most of which are benign and have no risk of canceration; intestinal polyps (polyps) are located in the intestinal mucosa, which are precursors of colorectal cancer and have the risk of canceration, so if intestinal polyps are found Most polyps are clinically recommended to be removed to avoid future troubles.

Skin polyps are painless and usually removed by electrocautery and laser

Skin polyps basically have no symptoms and are neither painful nor itchy. If there are aesthetic considerations, or inflammation and infection caused by root twisting or careless scratching, professional doctors can diagnose and treat them. In addition, because skin polyps will not subside on their own once they proliferate, no matter what kind of topical ointment is applied, they cannot be removed. Therefore, destructive treatment methods are needed to deal with them, among which electrocautery and laser are the first choices.

Dr. Ge Zhengxiang pointed out that electrocautery and laser can accurately target the affected area, and only small scab wounds will be formed after the operation. As long as the wounds are properly cared for with anti-inflammatory drugs and artificial skin, the wounds will heal smoothly in about a week without causing pigmentation or leave scars. For huge polyps of a few centimeters, surgery may be considered first, followed by suturing the wound.

Patients with skin polyps have higher risk of metabolic syndrome

However, even after removal of skin polyps, there is still the possibility of hyperplasia years later. Dr. Ge Zhengxiang explained that in the past, skin polyps were considered to be caused by personal constitution or genes, or skin aging caused by aging, and excessive sun exposure would cause abnormal hyperplasia. However, many literature studies later pointed out that skin polyps may be related to metabolic syndrome. (Metabolic Syndrome) related.

Metabolic syndrome is mostly caused by unhealthy lifestyles, such as excessive stress, lack of exercise, excessive drinking, and long-term intake of low-fiber, high-sugar, and high-fat diets, etc., which will not only lead to obesity and endocrine disorders in patients. Without active treatment, You will be more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood fat, heart disease, and stroke than the average person.

If more than three of the following five criteria are met, it can be judged as metabolic syndrome:

•Abdominal obesity: waist circumference ≧90cm (35 inches) for men, waist circumference ≧80cm (31 inches) for women

• High blood pressure: systolic blood pressure ≧ 130mmHg or diastolic blood pressure ≧ 85mmHg

• High fasting blood sugar: fasting blood sugar value ≧ 100mg/dL

• High fasting triglycerides: ≧150mg/dL

• Low HDL cholesterol: Men <40mg/dL, Women <50mg/dL

At least three studies have been carried out so far. Subjects were divided into two groups: “with skin polyps” and “without skin polyps”, and then the indicators of metabolic syndrome such as blood sugar, blood fat, blood pressure, and weight were tested respectively. The results found that: “with People with “skin polyps” have a much higher probability of developing metabolic syndrome than those without “skin polyps”, which shows that skin polyps and metabolic syndrome are related to a certain extent.

Dr. Ge Zhengxiang explained that one of the core causes of metabolic syndrome is “insulin resistance”. When the blood sugar in the patient’s body continues to be too high, it stimulates the body to continuously secrete insulin, which promotes the increase in the synthesis of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which may cause localized skin inflammation in the epidermis. Abnormal growths that form skin polyps.

Putting an end to skin polyps starts with changing living habits

Therefore, if you have a family history of chronic diseases and find skin polyps, in addition to using electric cauterization or laser treatment, you should also take the initiative to undergo relevant examinations for metabolic syndrome indicators. When abnormal values ​​are found, you must accept them as soon as possible. treat. In terms of living habits, patients should maintain a balanced diet, moderate exercise, regular work and rest, and receive regular health checkups to monitor their physical condition and stabilize the secretion of growth factors. This will not only improve their body shape, but also prevent the proliferation of skin polyps.

Dr. Ge Zhengxiang finally reminded that the skin is the largest organ in the whole body. Unlike other organs, lesions can only be seen through ultrasound and tomographic scans. Abnormal signs on the skin surface are relatively easy to observe. If you have any discomfort, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible. Dermatology, in order to detect and treat early!

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