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Reject Work Creation Law, KSPI: 2 Million National Strike Workers October 6-8 Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – President of the Indonesian Trade Union Confederation ( KSPI) Said Iqbal stated his party and para Labour Union will go on a national strike on October 6-8 in order to reject the Work Copyright Law (UU).

A total of 32 federations and confederations of trade unions and a number of other trade union federations are ready to join the demonstration simultaneously which is called the national strike.

Approximately 2 million workers will join the national strike action.

Also read: Protests for the Ratification of the Work Creation Bill, Workers’ Groups in Bekasi Threaten to Strike Tomorrow

Iqbal said the national strike was carried out in accordance with Law No. 9 of 1998 on Independence Expressing Public Opinion.

Apart from that, Law No. 21 of 2000, particularly Article 4, states that the function of a trade union is to plan and implement strikes.

“Apart from that, the legal basis for the national strike that we will conduct is Law No. 39/1999 on Human Rights and Law No. 12/2005 on Ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,” said Iqbal in a written statement, Monday (5/10). / 2020).

In the national strike action later, workers will voice the rejection of the omnibus law Work Creation Act. Specifically, workers demand the city minimum wage (UMK) without conditions and the city sectoral minimum wage (UMSK) is not eliminated.

In addition, workers ask that the value of severance pay is not reduced. Workers also reject the existence of a fixed-time work agreement (PKWT) or a lifetime contract employee.

Also read: October 6-8, Thousands of Workers in Sumedang Down to Jalan Tolak Omnibus Law Uipta Cipta Kerja

Then the workers also reject the existence of outsourcing for life, exploitative working time, and the loss of leave and wage rights to leave.

Labor also demands that contract and outsourcing employees must receive health insurance and pensions.

“Meanwhile, related to layoffs, criminal sanctions against entrepreneurs, and foreign workers must remain in accordance with the contents of Law No. 13 of 2003,” continued Iqbal.

He added that the 2 million workers who participated in the national campaign covered industrial sectors such as chemistry, energy, mining, textiles, garments, shoes, automotive and components, electronics and components, iron and steel industries, as well as pharmaceuticals and health.

Apart from that, they are the printing and publishing sector, the tourism industry, the cement industry, telecommunications, transportation workers, port workers, logistics, banking, and others.

According to Iqbal, the national strike will be followed by workers in 25 provinces.

The area distribution of 2 million workers who will take part in the national strike includes Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tengerang Raya, Serang, Cilegon, Bekasi, Karawang, Purwakarta, Subang, Cirebon, Bandung Raya, Semarang, Kendal, Jepara, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Sidoarjo. , Gresik, Mojokerto, and Pasuruan.

Also read: Workers’ Action in Banten, Intercepted in Jakarta and Planned National Strike to Reject Job Creation Bill

Next are Aceh, Padang, Solok, Medan, Deli Serdang, Medium Bedagai, Batam, Bintan, Karimun, Muko-Muko, Bengkulu, Pekanbaru, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, and South Lampung.

In addition, national strikes will also be held in Banjarmasin, Palangkaraya, Samarinda, Mataram, Lombok, Ambon, Makassar, Gorontalo, Manado, Bitung, Kendari, Morowali, Papua and West Papua.

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