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Reject Herry Wirawan’s death penalty, what is the attitude of Komnas HAM regarding the victims? This is the comment

Herry Wirawan, a pesantren teacher in Bandung who forced his 12 female students to give birth to 8 babies. (Source: Tribunnnews.com)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) agrees that the accused in the case of raping 12 students, Herry Wirawan, will receive a severe punishment if found guilty. However, Komnas HAM does not agree if Herry is sentenced to death or castration because this type of punishment is contrary to human rights.

This attitude was conveyed by Komnas HAM Commissioner Beka Ulung Hapsara, in Jakarta, Friday (14/1/2022).

“In the case involving Herry Wiryawan, Komnas HAM encourages the perpetrators to be severely punished, but not to death or chemical castration.”

Also Read: Not only the death penalty, Komnas HAM also rejects chemical castration against Herry Wirawan

He emphasized that the death penalty and chemical castration are against human rights principles.

Because Beka said that the right to life is the most basic right because it is the basis for the protection and respect of other human rights.

“The right to life is a right that cannot be reduced under any circumstances,” said Beka.

Meanwhile, regarding the chemical castration punishment, Komnas HAM also refused.

The punishment, said Beka, was an inhumane treatment. He said Indonesia had ratified the UN convention against torture and inhumane treatment.

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