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Réjaumont. The “new” mothers of Mother’s Day

Faithful to its tradition since 2008, the commune of Réjaumont honored for Mother’s Day the “new” mothers of 2020 and those of 2019 (the Covid having prevented them from doing so last year) …

This is how Emilia, Sofia, Titouane, Maé, Enora and Jules came to introduce themselves, accompanied by their parents, of course!

The city council present offered a bouquet of flowers to each mother. Didier Cartié, mayor of Réjaumont, for the first time in his mandate concerning this ceremony, recalled his pleasure to continue what was established by Patricia Paillares, who was also present for the occasion.

These 6 new small inhabitants came to swell the population of Réjaumont which now stands at 247 inhabitants, and will come to swell the primary school enrollment which is today around twenty …

The stork flyover is still planned on Réjaumont in 2021, two new births have already been announced… the appointment is made for Mother’s Day 2022!

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