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Reinhard Pantke inspires Parchimer with his adventures

In 1983, at the age of 16, he completed his first tour to Norway. Since then, Reinhard Panke, who is now 57 years old, has covered 250,000 kilometers on his bike alone in numerous countries and continents. The globetrotter recently reported on his adventures in the Movie Star Parchim and awakened the visitors’ thirst for adventure.

5000 kilometers through Alaska and Canada

In his multimedia show, Reinhard Panke talked about his journey through Canada to Alaska, from which he brought back many exciting and impressive pictures and experiences. The Braunschweig native covered 5,000 kilometers on this trip alone last year. “The dimensions are completely different than here in Germany. Sometimes there is only a gas station or rest stop every 300 to 400 kilometers. Even some locals have to drive 500 kilometers to go shopping,” he reports.

But it is precisely these vast spaces that appeal to adventurers. “I can travel freely and without limits. For me, traveling means experiencing something, but not in a five-star hotel. “I don’t want to be able to predict everything, I want to experience things that I don’t yet know about,” says Reinhard Pantke.

Reinhard Pantke photographed this maritime glacier near Valdez in Alaska. (Photo: Lang, Steffen)

Reinhard Pantke has to be evacuated

His tour of Alaska took him along the west from Vancouver to far north. “There is hardly any internet reception here. In an emergency, sometimes all you have to do is send a text message.” He didn’t have a medical emergency or an accident on his tour, but: “Once I got into a forest fire area and was evacuated by the fire department,” reports the cyclist.

Nature compensates for hardships

But the hardships he overcomes on the bike with only a backpack, tent and sleeping bag are nothing compared to the beautiful moments. Be it exchanging ideas with locals or spotting humpback whales weighing tons during a boat tour in Alaska. But above all, it is the breathtaking landscape that appeals to Pantke.

On his tour through Canada and Alaska, the travel journalist and author also encountered the impressive humpback whales. Photo: Reinhard Pantke

On his tour through Canada and Alaska, the travel journalist and author also encountered the impressive humpback whales. Photo: Reinhard Pantke (Photo: Steckeler, Claudia)

He stops again and again and takes photos of particularly spectacular views. He then processes the best recordings into calendars, for example, or shows them to the audience – like during his lecture in Parchim.

Lecture awakens longing

“I was in Canada once in 2001 and the memories really came back to me,” says a cinema-goer. “The lecture was very exciting and interesting. “It’s crazy what people are willing to do,” she continues.

However, Reinhard Pantke advises anyone who wants to go on a long trip to take it easy. “Everyone has to find out for themselves what their limits are. You should approach this slowly.” You should also never take too much luggage with you.

detail photograph

**How does Claudia incorporate ethical ‌considerations and responsible travel practices into‍ her travel writing and recommendations, especially when promoting destinations frequented by adventure tourists?**

## World Today Interview: Conquering‌ the ⁣Open Road

**Welcome to ⁤World Today News. Today, we’re thrilled to have Reinhard Panke, an intrepid globe-trotting cyclist, and Claudia Steckeler, an experienced travel writer ‌and ‌enthusiast, ⁤joining us to delve into the world of​ adventure travel**.


* ‍Reinhard, welcome back to World Today News. Your recent presentation about your ‍Alaskan adventure captivated the audience. wicker,

* ⁤Claudia, thank you for joining us. You’ve written​ extensively about travel,‍ and I’m curious ⁢to hear your thoughts on Reinhard’s journey.

**The Lure ‌of the​ Open Road – A Conversation with ‍Reinhard**

* Reinhard, you’ve covered an incredible 250,000⁣ kilometers cycling‌ across continents. What inspires​ you to embark on‌ these extraordinary journeys? Is it the thrill of exploration, the⁣ desire for solitude, or something else entirely?

*​ You recently completed a demanding ‍5,000-kilometer stretch through Canada and Alaska. What were some of the ⁤biggest challenges you encountered on this leg ⁤of your journey, and how did you overcome them?

**Beyond ​the Picturesque – The Reality of Adventure Travel**

* ⁣Claudia, when researching or planning a trip, how do you balance the allure of breathtaking landscapes and unique experiences with the practical considerations of safety, logistics, and ‌potential unexpected hurdles?

* Reinhard, ⁣you mentioned that you weighed the pros⁤ and cons before​ deciding to cycle through an active forest fire zone. How did you assess and manage the⁢ risks involved in that situation?

**Finding Beauty in Hardship**

*‌ Reinhard, you’ve ​encountered both breathtaking beauty and unexpected challenges on your travels. Can you share a specific experience that illustrates how these seemingly contrasting elements intertwine⁤ to‌ create a memorable​ adventure?

* Claudia, many people dream of embarking on similar adventures​ but hesitate due to fear, lack of resources, or ​other barriers. What advice would you ‌give ⁤to those who yearn to experience the world but aren’t sure where to begin?

**The Impact of Adventure**

* Reinhard, ‍you’ve clearly found a deep ‌sense of fulfillment through your ⁢exploration. How ‍has⁣ your experience shaped your worldview and your connection to the natural world?

* Claudia, ⁤what role do you think adventure travel​ plays in our understanding of ⁤different ​cultures and the interconnectedness of our planet?

**Looking Ahead: Inspiring Future Journeys**

* Reinhard, what’s next‍ on‍ your horizon? Any exciting destinations or challenges you’re planning to tackle⁤ in the future?

* Claudia, for our viewers who are inspired by Reinhard’s story, what ⁣are some

resources or tips for planning their own unique adventures, whether it be a weekend getaway or a multi-month expedition?


Reinhard ⁤and Claudia, thank you⁢ both for sharing your insights and experiences with us today. We hope your stories inspire our viewers to embrace their own sense of adventure and discover the ​beauty waiting to⁢ be explored around the world.

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