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reinforced means to prevent departures on vacation

Hello Nicolas,

Migrants are not forgotten during this health crisis. So whatever “1600 unaccompanied minors (currently in Greece) will probably go to Luxembourg next week “, assured the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, on the German channel ZDF. “Eight countries have declared themselves ready” to care for these children, she said.

In France, migrants from Calais were installed on Friday in accommodation centers in the department, where they can confine themselves during the health crisis. There are 40 so-called loosening centers, intended to isolate homeless people infected with the virus but not showing serious symptoms, ie 1,300 places. Ultimately, the government plans to open 80 more.

However, Louis Gallois, president of the Federation of Solidarity Actors (FAS), notes serious shortcomings. The associations, which generally work with elderly volunteers, have considerably reduced their food distributions, their marauders and their day care centers.

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