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Reinforce Vaccination Schemes Against COVID-19 and Influenza: Ministry of Health Calls on Citizens

“This morning I signed a proposal that we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary and that works,” said the president of the Americans.

“Probably everyone will be recommended to get it, regardless of whether they’ve gotten it before or not,” he added.

As the world struggled to come out of a state of alert and emergency due to Covid-19, it became clear that the virus had no intention of going away. The recent appearance of the EG.5 variant, nicknamed Eris, derived from the Omicron strain, further highlights this reality. This new variant has generated global concern and was designated as a “variant of concern” by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Manizales is prepared to apply the vaccine against Covid-19 from 6 months of age | Photo: Week

Infectious disease experts emphasize that vaccination against covid-19 has a fundamental purpose: to save lives and reduce the risk of hospitalization and death, even in case of contracting the virus.

However, it is essential to complete the vaccination scheme adequately, especially from 6 months of age in vulnerable populations. Despite vaccination, the possibility of reinfection still exists, reinforcing the importance of continued immunization.

Ministry of Health calls on citizens to reinforce vaccination schemes against covid-19 and influenza

Through a statement, the Ministry of Health indicates that through this immunization program, the entity strengthens the national vaccination scheme, for which it takes as a reference the scientific updates and recommendations of recognized organizations such as the Colombian Society of Pediatrics (SCP ), the Colombian Association of Infectious Diseases (ACIN) and the National Committee of Immunization Practices (CNPI), among others.

The virus was discovered in 2001 but so far it is seeing a large increase in cases in the US | Photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto

The INS detected that, so far in 2023, 25,555 cases of people infected with the covid-19 virus have been registered in the country.

To this is added 632 deceased people, mostly adults over 60 years of age, who were not vaccinated or who did not have their complete vaccination schedules.

What are the vaccines available in the country?

Modern Pediatric: for initiation of schemes in boys and girls from six months to 2 years, 11 months, 29 days. The complete scheme includes two doses with an interval of 28 days. Pfizer in population at risk: pregnant women from week 12, adults over 60 years of age, people with comorbidities and human talent in health. Sinovac: for boys, girls from from 3 years old, adolescents and adults to start and complete schemes. Janssen: for population over 18 years to start and complete schemes. Southern strain seasonal influenza: all boys and girls aged 6 to 23 months, pregnant from of week 14, adults over 60 years of age, human talent in health and people with underlying diseases.

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2023-08-26 10:40:31
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