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“Reiner Heske: How Blood Donations and a Donor Lung Saved His Life”

Reiner Heske had a donor lung implanted in 2012 – he needed a lot of blood.

By Anja Kriskofski

Solingen. He fought his way back to life with sport: Reiner Heske had a new lung implanted in 2013. Just one year later he completed his first 10-kilometer run, and even the Cologne Marathon in 2017. Heske has had cystic fibrosis since birth. A donor lung and numerous blood donations saved his life. Today, among other things, he organizes charity runs to collect donations for children who have also had an organ transplant. And he is committed to donating blood: “Anyone can find themselves in the situation of needing blood or a donor organ themselves. Donating blood is a simple act of charity that can save lives.”

Reiner Heske has a long history of suffering behind him. He was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at the age of four. In the congenital metabolic disease, the fluid exchange in the cells is disturbed. This causes viscous mucus to clog the organs, including the lungs. “I had extreme coughing attacks,” says Heske. The disease not only caused numerous infections, but also permanently damaged his lungs. “Even at the age of 18, my lung function was only 50 percent.” After an operation on the pancreas in 2012, there were complications, followed by two severe cases of pneumonia. From then on he needed additional oxygen 24 hours a day, Reiner Heske recalls. He couldn’t even do without it in the shower. “Even the simplest steps were difficult for me. Getting into my first floor apartment was agony.”

Reiner Heske was put on the waiting list for a donor lung – and was lucky: just a few months later, a donor organ was implanted in the Hanover transplant center. Because his lungs were severely overgrown, numerous blood supplies were needed for the difficult operation. “Afterward, I saw in my patient file that there were 25.” He was also given blood plasma.

Reiner Heske wants to motivate others to donate blood

The operation was ten years ago in June. Today he feels younger than ever, says the 53-year-old. “I hope that the sport will benefit my transplantation process.” He started with Nordic walking and a year later started jogging. He has covered 10,000 kilometers continuously in the past nine years. Because of problems with his Achilles tendon, he also took up cycling and competes in races over 100 kilometers. This year, among other things, the 24-hour race “Rad im Ring” is coming up at the Nürburgring.

He also uses his sporting activities for a good cause. At the charity spring cycling event, he promotes collecting donations for disadvantaged and sick children by bicycle. The Muko run in the Reichshof in Oberberg is for the benefit of cystic fibrosis self-help.

Reiner Heske is active as an ambassador for the Blood Donation Service West, which is why he also promotes the DRK and ST blood donation marathon on Whit Monday in Solingen. He wants to motivate adults to be role models for young people as blood donors. “And I wish that people would deal with the subject of organ donation during their lifetime and make a decision for themselves.” Both saved his life: an organ donation and the blood donations of many.


Deadline: The blood donation marathon of Solingen Tageblatt, DRK district association and blood donation service will take place on Whit Monday, May 29, from 10 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.

Ort: Because of the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the arson attack in the theater and concert hall, the marathon is moving to the Klingenhalle.

Registration: This is possible by telephone, Tel: (08 00) 1 19 49 11, via the DRK blood donation app or online: blutspende.jetzt

2023-04-28 14:51:18
#Donors #saved #life

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