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“Reimburse motorists”: how it can change for RC Auto

L’Ivass, the Insurance Supervisory Institute, after its president, Luigi Federico Signorini, presented his usual Annual Report, has beaten the insurance companies especially with regard to refreshments.

The lockdowns, in fact, have made it possible to save over two billion and 300 million euros by having stopped the traffic. Furthermore, in 2020, compared to the previous year, there was a drop in accidents. In fact, there are 30% fewer claims. In spite of this, refreshments are calculated for the insured, namely renewal discounts, coverage extensions and so on, for only 800 million, of which a large part has not yet been paid.

Precisely for this reason, Ivass, which has decided to adopt the European approach in this regard, has asked the companies to verify whether Covid has really given rise to unfair behavior towards consumers. And as Signorini himself explains: “Some companies have granted, on a voluntary basis, forms of refreshment to their policyholders; not all, and not all in the same way or to the same extent. Now that the mobility restrictions have almost completely disappeared, latecomers should urgently re-examine the matter“. Precisely for this reason, the President of Ivass also suggested that consumers consider the possibility of changing the company they turn to:”In the meantime, consumers will be able to inform themselves and evaluate the behavior of the companies“.

Signorini also specifies that the pandemic in Italy, unlike the rest of Europe, had “economically positive consequences for those who, as a profession, insure against damage“. The reason lies in the fact that in our country there is” a scarce diffusion of insurance coverage for damages, excluding cars “. And that despite” a difficult year, it has proved resilient to the crisis “.

As for theRc car, in Italy, during the lockdown there was a drop of only 5.4%. THE consumers they said they were significantly disappointed in that, from their point of view, “the decline should have been at least triple“. The Ivass Report indicates that the average premium in 2020 was 397 euros for cars, that is -4% on the year before. To understand that this is not a great improvement, just make a comparison with the others. main European countries such as France, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom where TPL costs a hundred euros less.

Signorini’s statements were not made to wait for the response of the Codacons who, in a note, stated: “Faced with a 40% reduction in road accidents in the first 6 months of 2020, TPL car rates fell last year by only 5/6%, giving rise to an evident imbalance and a mockery to the detriment of citizens.“.

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