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Rehabilitation and securing of the roof of the QSL, Grenoble

Official name and address of the purchasing organization: INTERREGIONAL DIRECTORATE OF PENITENTIARY SERVICES AUVERGNE RHONE ALPES Department of Real Estate Affairs of Lyon
Correspondent: Mr. Generic Box Generic Box, 19, Rue Crépet CS 70607, 69366 LYON, email: [email protected], Internet address : https://www.justice.fr/, internet address of the buyer profile: https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr

The contracting authority does not act on behalf of other contracting authorities
Main activity (ies) of the contracting authority: Public order and security-

Object of the contract : Consultation number: 21DAI0034 Works relating to the rehabilitation and securing of the roof of the QSL in Grenoble-
Type of works contract: execution
CPV Classification (Common Market Vocabulary): Main object: 45261910
Place of performance and delivery: Center de Semi Liberté GRENOBLE 51, rue Abbé Grégoire, 38000 GRENOBLE
Code NUTS : FRK26
The procurement procedure for this notice is not covered by the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement.
The notice involves a public market
Main Features : Will variations be taken into account: no When the work is carried out, the contracts will be awarded in separate lots. Form of contract: ordinary. Award of a market for each lot.
Services divided into lots: Yes
Possibility to present an offer for all lots
Deposits and guarantees required: No financial guarantee clause provided for. No financial guarantee provided in return for the payment of the advance.
Main terms of financing and payment and / or references to the texts which regulate them: Services paid for by a fixed global price – Financing methods: financed from the investment budget of the Interregional Department Prices can be updated. 20.0% advance granted under the conditions provided for in the contract. This rate is set at 10.0% for all companies. Overall deadline for payment of services of 30 days.
Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded: joint grouping with joint and several agent Motivation of the joint group with joint agent: “Such a form of grouping is necessary for the proper performance of the contract”
Languages ​​that can be used in the offer or application: French.
Currency unit used, the euro
Conditions of participation : Legal position – means of proof required: Declaration on honor to justify that the candidate does not enter into any of the cases of prohibition to tender; KBIS official document attesting to the legal existence of a company; Application letter or DC1 form on the site www.budget.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires; Economic and financial capacity – means of proof required: Appropriate declaration from banks or proof of professional risk insurance; Declaration concerning the overall turnover and the turnover concerning the services covered by the contract, carried out during the last three financial years available; Professional reference and technical capacity – means of proof required: Indication of the educational and professional titles of the economic operator and / or company executives, and in particular those responsible for providing services or carrying out work of the same nature as that of the contract; List of the main similar services (Site occupied) carried out over the last three years, indicating the amount, date and recipient. They are proven by certificates from the addressee or, failing this, by a declaration from the candidate; Indication of technicians or technical bodies, whether or not they are integrated into the candidate, in particular those who are responsible for quality control and whom the candidate may call upon for the execution of the work; Declaration indicating the tools, material and technical equipment available to the candidate for carrying out the contract;
Reserved market: Non
Number of applicants: Reduction in the number of operators during negotiation or dialogue (negotiated procedure, competitive dialogue): Use of a procedure taking place in successive phases in order to gradually reduce the number of solutions to be discussed or offers to be negotiated: YES
The transmission and verification of application documents can be carried out by the Simplified Public Market system on presentation of the SIRET number: NO.
Award criteria: Economically most advantageous tender assessed according to the criteria set out below with their weighting: Lot LOT02: Price of services (50%) Lot LOT02: Methodology (50%) Lot LOT02: Methodology: Knowledge and translations of the establishment’s security issues (15%) Lot LOT02: Methodology: Quality of the summary note on the planning aspect and organization of services (20%) Lot LOT02: Methodology: Organization of the group (15%) Lot LOT03: Price of services (50%) Lot LOT03: Methodology (50%) Lot LOT03: Methodology: Knowledge and translations of the establishment’s security issues (15%) Lot LOT03: Methodology: Quality of the summary note on the planning aspect and organization of services (20%) Lot LOT03: Methodology: Organization of the group (15%) Lot LOT01: Price of services (50%) Lot LOT01: Methodology (50%) Lot LOT01: Methodology: Knowledge and translations of the establishment’s security issues (15%) Lot LOT01: Methodology: Quality of the summary note on the planning aspect & organization of services (20%) Lot LOT01: Methodology: Organization of the group (15%)

Type of procedure: Adapted procedure

Deadline for receipt of tenders: June 11, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.

Minimum period of validity of offers: 120 days from the deadline for receipt of tenders.

Further information : The electronic transmission of documents is carried out on the buyer profile. The choice of the mode of transmission is global and irreversible. Applicants must apply the same mode of transmission to all documents sent to the contracting authority. The electronic formats in which documents can be transmitted are as follows: No electronic format is recommended for the transmission of documents. However, files should be transmitted in widely available formats. Electronic signature of documents is not required as part of this consultation. After award, the electronic tender selected will be transformed into a paper tender to give rise to the handwritten signature of the contract by the parties. The costs of network access and electronic signature are the responsibility of the candidates. The consultation file can be downloaded from the PLACE platform (https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr/?page=entreprise.EntrepriseAdvancedSearch&AllCons&refConsultation=759554&orgAcronyme=d3f) may contain an encrypted folder containing plans and / or other protected documents. These encrypted elements will be accessible to candidates on request via the PLACE platform. Each request must be accompanied by the confidentiality agreement filled in and signed on behalf of the candidate. Upon receipt, the buyer will send the candidate the decryption code for the plans and / or other protected documents. This code is personal, it cannot under any circumstances be distributed to a third party. At the end of the consultation, the plans and / or other protected documents must be immediately destroyed by the candidates. The competent administrative court can also be referred to the citizen Telérecours application accessible from the site. www.telerecours.fr Consultation number: 21DAI0034 The contracting authority applies the “Tell us once” principle. Consequently, applicants are not required to provide documents and information which have already been sent in the context of a previous consultation and which remain valid. A site visit is recommended. Visiting conditions are as follows: Contact the establishment – CP GRENOBLE – Lieu-dit “Le Petit Rochefort” – 38763 VARCES Cédex Tel: (04) 76 73 29 50 Fax: (04) 76 73 29 50
Date of dispatch of this notice for publication: May 21, 2021
Address from which documents can be obtained: Internet address : https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr
Address to which offers / applications / projects / requests to participate must be sent: Internet address : https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr
Address from which further information can be obtained: Internet address : https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr

Conditions for submitting tenders or applications: Applications can be submitted either in the form of DC1 and DC2 forms (available free of charge on the website www.economie.gouv.fr.), or in the form of a Single European Market Document (ESPD). The electronic transmission of envelopes is required for this consultation. Therefore, paper transmission is not permitted.
Body responsible for appeal procedures: Administrative Tribunal of Lyon, 184, rue Duguesclin, 69433 LYON
Details for lodging appeals: Details concerning the time limits for lodging appeals: Pre-contractual referral provided for in articles L.551-1 to L.551-12 of the Code of Administrative Justice (CJA), and may be exercised before the contract signature. Contractual referral provided for in articles L.551-13 to L.551-23 of the CJA, and may be exercised within the time limits provided for in article R. 551-7 of the CJA. Full jurisdiction recourse open to third parties proving an injured interest, and which may be exercised within two months of the date on which the conclusion of the contract is made public. The competent administrative court can also be referred to the citizen Telérecours application accessible from the site. www.telerecours.fr
Nature and description of the lots:

C.P.V. – : Objet principal : 45261910
Duration of the lot or execution time: 2 months from the notification of the contract
C.P.V. – : Objet principal : 45261910
Duration of the lot or execution time: 2 months from the notification of the contract
Lot (s) LOT01 COVER
C.P.V. – : Objet principal : 45261910
Duration of the lot or execution time: 2 months from the notification of the contract

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