Home » today » Business » Regulations: lawyer analyzes virus rules – “Will not be tenable” – Germany

Regulations: lawyer analyzes virus rules – “Will not be tenable” – Germany

Christmas and New Year’s Eve are just around the corner and far-reaching restrictions have been placed on us all. The corona protection regulations of the federal states can now be viewed. But these are sometimes more incomprehensible than the statements of the government. You can find out in the video what is in the regulations and what you have to fear at celebrations.

Surf tip: You can find all the news about the corona pandemic in the news ticker from FOCUS Online

Christian Solmecke has specialized as a lawyer and partner of the Cologne media law firm WILDE BEUGER SOLMECKE in advising the Internet, IT and media industries. In the past few years he has steadily expanded the firm’s internet law / e-commerce department and looks after numerous media professionals, Web 2.0 platforms and app developers. In addition to his office activities, Solmecke is managing director of the German Institute for Communication and Law on the Internet at the Cologne Business School (http://www.dikri.de). There he deals in particular with legal issues in social networks. Before working as a lawyer, he worked for over 10 years as a freelance journalist and radio host (including for West German Broadcasting).

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