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Regretting Medical School: A Common Issue Among Students, According to Career Advisor

STUDY NUMBER TWO: Martine Olset is starting a new study at the University of Bergen. Photo: Marit Hommedal/NTB/ Private

Martine (21) was highly motivated when she entered medical school – then she regretted it. – Not unusual, says the career advisor.


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Martine Olset (21) started medical studies at the University of Bergen in autumn 2022, but regretted it soon after she started. She took leave to try medical technology instead, and plans to continue with this as it feels more right to her.Gisle Hellsten , group leader for career services at the University of Oslo, says that this is a common problem among students. Hellsten recommends that students who are considering ending a course should have a plan for what they will do instead, whether it is a new course or a job. He also encourages students to talk to a study or career advisor, and not go alone with such thoughts. Show more

In the jungle of studies, there is little, if anything at all, that in Norway hangs as high as the study of medicine. Martine Olset knew that when she had to choose her field of study last year.

– I had the grades to enter medicine, so I thought it was stupid not to try, she tells VG.

She got in, and in autumn 2022 she started studying medicine at the University of Bergen. But a creeping feeling presented itself. She regretted it.

– While I was walking there, I realized that this was not what I really wanted. I missed science, because that’s what I’m good at.

Took leave

Olset thus knew relatively early on that this was not the study for her. However, it was far from over to break.

– This is a prestigious course, where you are guaranteed a job and a good salary. There are so many who want to achieve this, and here is my chance. People don’t choose to study medicine, she says.

A little way into the second semester, however, it stopped.

– I couldn’t become something I didn’t want to become. Then I found out that it was possible to take leave, and rather come back next autumn, if I wanted to. I took the leave and no one around me looked down on me for it. Most are just supportive.

During his leave, Olset is now studying medical technology at UiB. The impression is positive.

– I will probably stay here, it feels much more right!

Have you ever changed studies?

The career advisor’s advice

– This is not an unusual problem, says Gisle Hellsten.

He is group leader for career services at the University of Oslo, and is still in contact with students with «second thoughts».

– The most important thing for us is to hear what they find challenging. Sometimes it may be that they struggle to find their way, sometimes it is the syllabus that is different than you thought and sometimes there are those who say: “I can guarantee that I am on the wrong shelf”.

– For those who are brand new, and who are experiencing “study shock”, we would perhaps recommend giving it a little more time. You can, for example, sign up for a colloquium group and spend time with other students. Then it may suddenly turn out to be right for you after all, because this is a maturing process, he says.

GIVE IT TIME: Hellsten asks students to be patient before they decide to drop out of a course. Photo: University of Oslo

If you still feel like giving up, Hellsten has one important message.

– If you want to stop doing something, you should start with something else. It is not necessarily so easy in September-October, so then you should have a plan. “What will I do after Christmas?” Do you have a new study place? Do you have a job to go to? Consider that quitting actually has a consequence.

Hellsten says that Olset is also not alone in feeling pressure to continue with a “high on straw” course of study.

– We meet several people who feel this way. And I can understand that. You have parents, siblings, girlfriends, people around you who might want to ask questions. “Are you crazy, this is the best you can be”. But they do not know the student’s thoughts.

He believes that Olset was wise who went straight on to another course of study, and who did not stay idle.

The short call to students who feel remorse is:

– Talk to a study advisor, talk to a careers advisor, possibly health services. Don’t go alone with these thoughts, they are far more normal than you might think. You often feel lonely about this, and think that you are the strangest person on the planet, but we are used to talking about this.


Published: 24.08.23 at 12:04 p.m

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2023-08-24 10:04:20

#Martine #entered #prestigious #study #program #regretted

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