Home » today » Health » Registration for the COVID vaccine for people over 12 years of age is now open in Mexico: these are the requirements

Registration for the COVID vaccine for people over 12 years of age is now open in Mexico: these are the requirements

It’s official: all teens over the age of 12 will be able to get their COVID-19 vaccine, no matter what. have comorbidities. Before, the vaccine has only been allowed to be applied to adolescents between 12 and 17 years old, only in cases where it was proven that they had a comorbidity.

Announced since the beginning of the weekthis April 28, pre-registration for people over 12 years of age has officially opened on the site mivacuna.gob.mx. The steps to register are as follows:

  • Go to mivacuna.salud.gob.mx.
  • Write CURP in the block “I am 12 years old or older”.
  • Once the captcha is solved, click on “confirm CURP”.
  • Next, click on “request vaccination booster”.
  • A format must be completed with the date of the last dose, entity, municipality, telephone and mail.
  • Lastly, the request receipt is downloaded, after receiving the message that the registration has been successful.

The records must be made by fathers, mothers and/or guardians.

Mexico is in the process of advancing to the endemic status of COVID-19, he said this week the undersecretary of health, Hugo López-Gatell. Although the officialization must come from the World Health Organization, in Mexico the epidemic risk traffic light has already been eliminated and case reports will be released weekly, instead of daily, as was the case until now.

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