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Registration for a Workshop on Children’s Cognitive Education by UIMP Now Open with No Cost Involved

The headquarters of the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) in Línea de la Concepción organizes the workshop ‘The decisive influence of maternity and paternity styles in the cognitive and emotional education of children’, which will take place from 11 to 13 April, taught by the doctor in psychology and psychotherapist, Juan Rodríguez Corrales.

Parenting styles from birth are determinant in multiple aspects of the future life of the boy or girl and the effectiveness of positive parenting is capable of transmitting a complex model, and simple at the same time, of mother-father-interpersonal relationships. children in which grandparents, teachers and other educators also take part, which is capable of developing essential skills for the lives of future adults.
Many researchers, such as Linares and others, tell us that maternal-paternal parenting, also called socialization, of children, has two essential functions, on the one hand, protection and control to overcome with more or less success in the early stages of life, and on the other hand, and no less important, the emotional education that expresses many aspects, including the appreciation of the child’s progress, recognition, tenderness and love, always keeping in mind the rules , values ​​and constructive dialogue. All these ingredients make cognitive and emotional progress in the boy or girl that will mean an undoubted attachment and a good development of their emotional intelligence over time.
The course is free and can be followed in person or online. The registration period is open until April 5, either at the headquarters of Calle Clavel, 73, in the email This email address is being protected from spam bots. You need to have JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 956763685.

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