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“Region’s Mobile Guidance Center offers individualized job support for students and adults”

the essential
The Region has deployed its Mobile Guidance Center to meet pupils and adults looking for a job. With individualized support. Report in Moissac, this Wednesday afternoon.

For the first time, the Maison de l’orientation mobile (MOM) set its wheels in the courtyard of the François-Mitterand school complex on Tuesday and Wednesday. If the students of course had privileged access to this new system supported by the Region, this Wednesday afternoon was dedicated to all job seekers or those looking for professional retraining. Created in September in particular within the framework of the “Pact for hiring”, a project dear to the President of Occitania Carole Delga, the two MOMs want to be a vector of equality for all the inhabitants of the territory far from employment. . In this kiosk which is a gem of technology, the public has access to virtual reality headsets to discover the trifle of 160 trades. But also, tablets, a giant screen and computers to connect to “Parcouréo”, this software which makes it possible to offer jobs according to one’s centers of interest.

“In the MOM, there is a lot of information but above all, people. Young people and job seekers come to meet guidance professionals to carry out their project. The tool is only a pretext: the MOM is a starting point to be put in contact with the Maison de Région and its advisers. Here, we give the methodology to find your way. Many don’t know what to do, so we’re here to decipher the range of possibilities,” explains Laurent Bonnefont, regional manager of the Maison de l’orientation. It is therefore the beginning of a personalized approach that can also be initiated directly with the Maison de la Région, in Montauban*.

Deputy Principal Emilie Pique received Laurent Bonnefont, Rachida Lucazeau, François Albert, director of the Maison de la Région in Montauban, and Marie Castro.

“Today, we are no longer mistaken”

“It is a question of allowing equal opportunities throughout the territory”, underlines Rachida Lucazeau, regional councillor. “And guidance should not be the prerogative of colleges and rectorates, Carole Delga is very keen on it. Here, there is no age limit and we receive audiences who are far removed from employment. But the earlier we tackle the problems, the better we support, ”notes Marie Castro, regional vice-president for vocational training. That is to say if the chosen one knows the subject. She does not fail to recall that the “Pact for hiring”, which was created in 2022, was designed to remove the “brakes” to hiring, on one side or the other. Whether it’s housing, childcare, mobility: the Region has “made a pact” with 70 companies, notably from the Medef, to set up long-lasting partnerships. “When we see the unemployment rate and the number of professions in tension in terms of recruitment, there is still a paradox,” she continues.

In Moissac, where job seekers exceed 20% depending on the neighborhood, such an initiative necessarily makes sense. “We are working on orientation from the 4th grade. Sometimes you have to get students out of their bubble. This morning, there is one to whom I learned that there was the metro in Toulouse and that he could travel there by train. But it’s not just Moissac in life! », smiles Mélanie, in charge of orientation who receives many more parents than anxious pupils at the prospect of Parcoursup. “Today, we are no longer mistaken! From now on, you can change jobs three or four times in the same life! »

Around 10,000 people have already been welcomed to the Maison de l'orientation mobile.

Around 10,000 people have already been welcomed to the Maison de l’orientation mobile.

On Wednesday afternoon, at least 40 adults came to François-Mitterand to meet the teams from the Region. In particular the “Espace et Vie” reintegration association or groups monitored by Pôle emploi, in Castelsarrasin. From one end of Occitania to the other, around 10,000 people have already been welcomed to these kiosks.

*Orientation workshops every Thursday at 20 place Prax-Paris, in Montauban. Information: [email protected] or 05 61 39 69 82.

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