Home » today » World » Regionals, in Liguria the center-right tries the Bucci card again, but remains in the swamp. Meloni’s (in extremis) attempt

Regionals, in Liguria the center-right tries the Bucci card again, but remains in the swamp. Meloni’s (in extremis) attempt

One last phone call from Georgia Meloni to the mayor of Genoa Marco Buccito ask him in extremis to run for the presidency of the Liguria Region, and somehow allow the center-right (Ligurian and national) to get out of the quagmire in which it remains 48 days before the vote. This would be the card of the day in the deck of the majority parties, still looking for a presidential candidate, and stuck with the last names left in the game: Edward Rixi e Ilaria Cavo. A move that could happen this afternoon, even if the prime minister’s entourage has not received any confirmation on the matter, but it seems above all an attempt to buy time by the government parties. And it certifies once and for all the stalemate of the center-right.

The proposal had already reached the mayor of Genoa in recent weeks, and the response was the same that (barring any surprises) should arrive today to a phone call from the prime minister. The health conditions of the mayor, currently undergoing full therapy, are too delicate. It is too politically risky to force a regional capital to return to the vote early just to resolve the problems of the parties at the national and regional level. The clear no at the beginning of August, despite Bucci’s approval rating confirmed by the latest polls, and even the protagonism found in these hours of pre-election campaign, will remain as such. And so the latest attempt by the center-right, rather than distracting attention from the quagmire into which the majority in Liguria has gotten itself, has ended up certifying its crisis.

The situation, after all, is more than clear, albeit complicated. There is no candidate that everyone can agree on, parties, civic groups and possible candidates, not even the polls show no winner. Ilaria Cavo is still in pole position, but she is not liked by a part of the coalition. The name that would put everyone in agreement, Edoardo Rixi, has ended up in the middle of the chess game between Lega and FdI, and no one (for now) risks claiming it. The relaunch on Bucci, in addition to being very risky, is the move that lays bare the state of uncertainty (and also the urgency, time is running out) that weighs on the center-right.

#Regionals #Liguria #centerright #Bucci #card #remains #swamp #Melonis #extremis #attempt
– 2024-09-10 15:04:20

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