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Regionals 2024, who does better on social media among the presidential candidates in Liguria, Emilia-Romagna and Umbria

Arcadia Mood monitored the accounts of the main presidential candidates of Emilia-Romagna, Umbria and Liguria, comparing the numbers on followers, engagement, invested spending and interactions. Let’s see who has won on social media so far.

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Not long until the next ones Regional elections in Liguria, Emilia-Romagna and Umbria and the electoral campaign also takes place on social media, where the candidates try to gather as much support in view of the vote.

An analysis carried out by Arcadia Mood for Fanpage.it monitored the accounts of the main presidential candidates of the three Regions, comparing some interesting data.

Starting from the numbers of followers, both on Facebook and Instagram, through the statistics on engagement, interactions, posts and new arrivals, up to the spending invested by individual candidates for their social communication, let’s see what emerged.

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Liguria 2024, who wins on social media between Andrea Orlando and Marco Bucci

Liguria is the first Region to go to the vote for the renewal of the Council and for the appointment of the president who will take the place of Alessandro Piana (who took over after the resignation of Giovanni Toti). The elections will be held on November 27 and 28 and the dem will be playing the game Andrea Orlando, chosen for the center-left, and the mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci, for the centre-right.

On social media, Bucci seems to be doing better on Facebook, where the mayor receives more interactions than Orlando who also has a greater number of followers (101 thousand compared to Bucci’s 49 thousand). Here the engagement of the centre-right candidate, i.e. the level of involvement exercised towards other users, reaches 3.7% while that of the former minister stops at 2.2%.

For its part, Orlando presents a greater number of more attractive results on Instagram, where it generates 11% engagement compared to 6.5%. In general then, the centre-left candidate is growing more on both social networks, although this last aspect could be linked in part to the fact that Orlando has invested a lot in his profiles so far. In the last 30 days the dem has spent 2.700 euro between Facebook and Instagram, while Bucci’s figure is much lower, just 135 euros.

Who does better on Instagram and Facebook among the candidates in Emilia-Romagna

In Emilia-Romagna however, voting will take place on 27 and 28 November. The elections are therefore still more than a month away, but the campaign is already in full swing. In the Region the two main candidates are Elena Ugolini for the center-right e Michele De Pascale for the centre-left.

On social media, Ugolini seems to have the upper hand over the candidate from the wide field, especially in terms of involvement. In fact, the candidate’s engagement percentages stand at 51% on Facebook and 22% on Instagram, far from De Pascale’s 4.5% and 5%. This distance, they explain in the report, is partly due to “the sponsored investment” and the different size of the audience of followers. In general, in fact, less followed accounts are able to achieve greater engagement than those with more followers.

It is also true, then, that this distance is narrowing in the absolute count of new followers arriving on the two profiles. In any case, both candidates have invested significant sums in their social communication, 6 thousand euros De Pascale and 7 thousand euros Ugolini respectively.

How the candidates for the Regionals in Umbria 2024 go on social media

In Umbria however, the social performances of the two main candidates, Stefania Proietti for the center-left and the Northern League governor Donatella Tesei for the centre-right, they appear quite similar. The outgoing president is less attractive on both Facebook and Instagram, with lower percentages (2.6% and 4.9% respectively) than her opponent (4.4% and 6.5%).

An interesting fact if we consider that Proietti has not invested in his profiles in the last thirty days, while Tesei has spent 1500 euros.

In general, the centre-right candidate has grown more on Instagram in the last month, with 747 new followers compared to 646 for Proietti, who instead has totaled a greater number of arrivals on Facebook (982 against 385).

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