The national dramatic center of Montluçon will not be amputated from its regional subsidy, up to 275,000 euros. The director of the Théâtre des Ilets was “worried” following the culture commission on Friday May 5, with a view to the vote on cultural subsidies, this Friday May 12. “We learned that we were not part of the deliberations of the commission”, explained this Tuesday, May 9 Carole Thibault, confirming information from specialized media Sceneweb.
The subsidy will be voted in June, indicates the Region
Contacted, the services of the Region evoke a “unfounded concern”. If the CDN of Montluçon was absent from the Culture Committee on Friday May 5, it is because its subsidy will be on the agenda of the next plenary assembly, on June 29 and 30. It will therefore have been examined in committee by then.
“Laurent Wauquiez (president of the Aura region) has always wanted to protect Auvergne, by giving its inhabitants the same access to culture as other territories”, assures the management of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes regional council.
Montluçon Community contributes to the CDN budget
As a reminder, on Thursday April 28, 2023, the Region, through the voice of the Vice-President for Culture Sophie Rotkopf, presented its culture budget and announced that the subsidy for the Théâtre des Ilets would be reduced to the level of that of the municipality. from Montlucon.
Culture: the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council continues its “rebalancing” and emphasizes festivals (April 29, 2023)
However, this is zero, the 33,000 euros paid for co-production with the Municipal Theater Gabrielle-Robinne having been deleted. On the other hand, the city abounds in the budget of the CDN via the agglomeration, Montluçon Communauté. Between the provision and the sums paid directly to the structure, “the valuation is estimated at 90,000 euros”, specifies Frédéric Laporte, mayor of Montluçon and president of Montluçon Communauté.
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Seher Turkmen
[email protected]
#Culture #concerns #regional #subsidy #Théâtre #des #Ilets #Montluçon #finally #voted #June