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Regional France, blow to Macron and Le Pen. Neogollists and left-ecologists fly. Record abstention since 1958

Abstention never so high since 1958 and hard blow for Emmanuel Macron e Marine Le Pen. This is how i ballot for the regional and provincial in France, where the slap to the presidential majority of Working, stopped at 7%, confirms the lack of local roots of the party. Even the sovereigns of Resemblance National, which obtains only 20.5% of the preferences and does not conquer any region, not even that of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. A real disappointment for a formation that many surveys instead they gave as in forte progression, one year after the presidential elections of 2022. Those who are celebrating instead are the neo-Gaullist right, which marks its great return. With 38% of the preferences, Republicans and allies appear as the first political force in the country, one year after the vote for the Elysée. The union of the left and of ecologists, with 34.5% of the preferences. A return of more traditional parties, of the “old world” – as it emerges in France from the first comments – after bipolarism Macron-Le Pen, which are now warming up for the 2022 presidential elections.

Record abstention – The outcome of the ballots also reverberates onEliseo, where executive sources explain that there will be none government reshuffle but of “necessary and limited adjustments”. Less than a year before the 2022 presidential election, this new regional ballot was to be the dress rehearsal of a new duel between Macron e Le Pen and, instead, the two suitors were the most punished by a turnout ever so low. Two out of three voters snubbed the seats. Also for the ballot in fact, the abstention settles at a level almost identical to the record recorded in the first round of last week.

At 17 of Sunday, the level of turnout was del 27.89% of those entitled to vote, one point more than in the first round of Sunday last (26.72%), but in free fall compared to elections regional of December 2015 (50.54%) and the provincial ones of March 2015 (41.92%). In the first round on Sunday, two thirds of French voters (66.72%) snubbed the polls. A record since the creation of the Fifth Republic in 1958. Disaffection with politics? Summer weekend? Message sent by citizens to change institutions? According to experts, the reasons for this situation are manifold. “It’s a bit of everything at the same time. We are witnessing the completion of one disconnection between voters e class policy. And the health context, which limited events to the outside, made communication with certain categories of people more complicated, ”he says Jessica Sainty, researcher in political science at the University of Avignon. In France, there are approximately 48 million with the right to vote.

The comments of the policy – Per Jordan Bardella, the number two of the Bring together National, the elections were a “failure for the entire political class”; given the record level of abstentions. “I welcome these results with a lot of humility but it is a failure for the entirety of the political class since most of the French had no interest in going to the polls, ”he said on Tf1. Of the 13 French regions, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur she was the only one to see a duel between the so-called “enemy brothers” that was announced: Thierry Mariani (formerly Les Républicains passato nel Rassemblement National) e Renaud Muselier (Les Républicains). And in the end the latter won. Bitter in the mouth even in the majority of Macron. The general delegate of, among others, spoke of a “disappointing” result Working, Stanislas Guerini, while satisfied comments for the result come from the left and from ecologists who definitely take back color.

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