The agricultural school of Quetigny hosted, this Wednesday, the regional final of the plant recognition competition. A competition open to apprentices and professionals, intended to highlight a sector that attracts and recruits.
Today at 07:00
If the sommelier or cooking competitions are regularly highlighted, those dedicated to plants are more confidential. However, they require the same qualities: a keen sense of observation, a keen sense of smell and precise knowledge of the product in hand.
This Wednesday, in the Quetignois premises of the CFPPA (vocational training and agricultural promotion center) of Quetigny-Plombières-lès-Dijon , the regional final of the plant recognition competition took place. On site, eighty candidates, from eleven establishments in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, competed for a place in the national final. An event that will take place in early December in Lyon, as part of the salon Paysalia.
A nice line on a CV
“This competition is aimed at professionals and future professionals in the horticultural, garden center and landscaping sector”, explains Laurent Rouzeau, director of the CFPPA of Quetigny-Plombières.
“It is a will of the profession, grouped under the banner of Valhor, the interprofessional union of horticulture and landscaping, which carries out actions to promote these professions. The candidates are divided according to different levels, CAP, bac, BTS, professionals. Then according to their specialty: horticulture or landscaping. At the end of the day, the gold medalists obtain their qualification for the Lyon final. It is an event that takes place every two years and in which we hope to shine, knowing that during the last edition, our region won three national titles. For the winners, there are a few prizes. But it is also a very nice recognition on the CV. »
Title contenders must know the common name of the plant, but also its scientific, in Latin, with the exact spelling. Photo LBP /Emma BUONCRISTIANI
Dispatched in two examination rooms, the contenders for the regional title had to pass two tests this Wednesday. One written, through a multiple-choice questionnaire. And the other practical, with a list of plants, plants and other flowers to identify with precision, thanks to his senses and his knowledge.
“Depending on their level, they must identify twenty, thirty or forty plants”, specifies Catherine Boutteau, regional delegate of Unep (national union of landscape companies).
“These can be exotic or local plants. Candidates must find their common name, but also their scientific name, in Latin. The questions also relate to their knowledge of plants as a whole: their region of origin, the way in which they are planted, how they are maintained, how they are pruned, the sites of establishment…”.
Strong activity and retirements to compensate
At a time when many amateur gardeners are bringing out their spades and seedlings, the trades highlighted this Wednesday are attracting more and more young people. But also adults in professional retraining. A relationship with nature and plants which, for some, has been accentuated with the Covid crisis.
“At the regional level, in all establishments, we have seen an increase in our activity in green trades, with a very dynamic landscaping sector that is recruiting. There are, at the same time, many retirements to compensate, but also a fairly strong activity with beautiful local companies, which are doing well, ”congratulates Laurent Rouzeau.
The winners of the competition
Horticultural sector
CAP level/professional agricultural certificate/second
Christine Amblard, CFPPA of Quetigny
Bac/professional baccalaureate level
Pierre-Damien Rémy, CFPPA of Quetigny
BTS level
Anouk Jadin, Quelet high school in Valdoie (90)
Landscaping sector
CAP level/professional agricultural certificate/second
Kilian Cuguet, CFA de Quetigny
Bac/professional baccalaureate level
Alcide Barré, CFA of Chateaufarine (25)
BTS level
Hugo Diez, MFR of Gron (89)
Horticulture Professionals Competition
Florence Nivert, trainers at the Quelet high school in Valdoie (90)
Landscaping Professionals Competition
Frédéric Bisiaux, trainer at the CFPPA in Quetigny
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