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Regional Election Decision Becomes Social Media Debate, Jokowi: The Masses Are Still Free

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – President Joko Widodo admitted that he was looking at trends that were developing on social media. One of them, regarding the decision of the Constitutional Court no MK regarding provisions for the Election of a Regional Head or Regional elections. But, according to Jokowithere are other things that are not so busy.

“One of the most popular things is still about the free,” said Jokowi during a speech at the XI National Conference of the Golkar Party, Wednesday, August 21 2024. “If you open social media often, you will know you know who is free.”

According to Jokowi, carpenters are still being talked about even though it is the Constitutional Court that makes the decision in the Pilkada case. He said the decision was within the jurisdiction of the judiciary which was then debated by the DPR as the legislature.

“But it is still what the carpenter was talking about. Yes, that is fine. These are the colors of democracy,” said Jokowi. At the same time, carpenter is a term that netizens refer to Jokowi. This is in line with his career as a furniture entrepreneur.

The former Governor of Jakarta then said that he respects the judiciary and the legislative institutions as president of the executive branch. Therefore, he respects the authority and decisions of each of these state institutions.

“We will respect the decision, we will give confidence to the parties that have the authority to do the process constitutionally,” Jokowi said.

As is known, the Constitutional Court granted some lawsuits from the Labor Party and the Gelora Party regarding the Regional Electoral Law.

In Decision No. 60/PUU-XXII/2024, the MK said that political parties or a combination of political parties that participate in the elections can register regional leader candidate pairs even if they do not have seats in the DPRD.

The Constitutional Court decided that the threshold for regional elections will be determined by the number of valid votes received by political parties or combinations of political parties linked to the number of Permanent Voters’ Lists (DPT) for 2024 elections in each region. There are four classifications of the number of valid votes decided by the Constitutional Court, namely; 10 percent, 8.5 percent, 7.5 percent and 6.5 percent, depending on the amount of DPT in the relevant area.

The Constitutional Court also decided on Case No. 70/PUU-XXII/2024 regarding testing the age limit requirements for regional head candidates as regulated in Article 7 paragraph (2) letter e of the Provincial Election Law. The MK rejected the petition from two students, Fahrur Rozi and Anthony Lee, who asked the MK to return the explanation of the age of the regional head candidates before the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) Number 23 P / HUM / 2024.


The Supreme Court decision issued on 29 May 2024 changed the age requirement for regional head candidates at the time of the inauguration of the selected candidate. Previously, these conditions applied when the KPU was confirming candidates.

Editor’s Choice: Jokowi Says He Respects MK’s Decision: Constitutional Process That Usually Happens

2024-08-21 15:15:00

#Regional #Election #Decision #Social #Media #Debate #Jokowi #Masses #Free

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