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Regional Disparities in Livret A Savings: A Comparison of French Departments

Par Mathieu Message
Published on August 15, 23 at 6:08 See my news Follow Actu Paris The booklet A is held by more than 80% of the French population (©zuchero / Adobestock)

At the national level, a Livret A contains on average 6,351 eurosAccording to the figures revealed by the Banque de France. In July, this booklet acclaimed by 55 million French exceeded the 400 billion euros in total assets. But there are big differences between the departments, even within Île-de-France.

The big gap between Hauts-de-Seine and Seine-Saint-Denis

If Lozère sits at the top of the national ranking, Hauts-de-Seine and Paris are not left out. THE two richest departments in France, are in fifth and sixth place respectively. In Paris, where the median standard of living per year is estimated at 28,570 euros, the average outstanding amount of the Livret A is 7 471 euroswhile Hauts-de-Seine (28,310 euros median standard of living) shows 7 588 euros. The people of Altosequan would therefore be the best savers in our region.

Top 10 :

Lozère: €7,983 Haute-Loire: €7,693 Aveyron: €7,603 Savoie: €7,595
Hauts-De-Seine : 7 588 euros
Paris : €7,471 Puy-de-Dôme: €7,409 Ardèche: €7,401 Hautes-Alpes: €7,394 Cantal: €7,362

Surprisingly enough, the bottom of the ranking is marked by the presence of four Ile-de-France departments, including Seine-Saint-Denis at the back of the pack. The poorest department in mainland France (18,070 euros median standard of living) has an average outstanding Livret A account of 3 846 euros. Next come Val-d’Oise (5 184 euros) and Seine-et-Marne (5 709 euros). The Val-de-Marne remains the one that is doing the best, with an average presence on the booklet A of 5 859 euros.

Flop 10 :

Val de Marne : €5,859 Eure: €5,780
Seine et Marne : 5,709 euros Oise: 5,608 euros Pas-de-Calais: 5,544 euros Sum: 5,419 euros Haute-Corse: 5,370 euros Aisne: 5,208 euros
Val d’Oise : 5 184 euros
Seine-Saint-Denis : 3 846 euros

Social and educational factors play a role

These disparities can be explained by various factors. According to Najat El Mekkaoui, teacher-researcher at Paris-Dauphine University, some populations have “more attractive to savings”with a desire to apply economic reflexes resulting from their education: “There may be a lack of knowledge of the diversity of investments. The Livret A sometimes remains the only existing account alongside the current account, and is often unsuitable for certain populations. We also note that the more people have access to education, the better off they are. informed about these concepts of economy. Today, the Banque de France establishes that 50% of the French population is eligible for the People’s Savings Booklet but do not know it, while it is an advantageous product. Some companies also set up financial education for their employees. »

Nor should we neglect age! A young worker often tends to save less than a person at the end of their career. However, if we take the average age by department, that of Hauts-de-Seine climbs to 43,5 answhile that of Val-de-Marne is 38,1 anseven 35,2 ans in Seine-Saint-Denis.

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In economics, we consider that the 35-40 age group establishes a life cycle where people will start saving. However, if we look at the poverty rate by age group in Seine-Saint-Denis, the highest concerns those aged 40 to 49, a period when one should normally be at the maximum of one’s savings. Let’s also add the unemployment rate, which is 17% in this department, and which represents a real brake on savings.

Najat El MekkaouiTeacher-researcher at Paris-Dauphine University

Another major nation: the way of life is incomparable according to the departments. According to INSEETHE inhabitants of Lozère earn on average 1,903 euros net per monthwith an estimated average rental price at 9 euros/m2 in August 2023. In Seine-Saint-Denis, the average salary is 2 220 eurosfor an average rental price of 19 euros/m2.

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